[comp.sys.mac] SFGetFile in MPW C

mkb@ROVER.RI.CMU.EDU (Mike Blackwell) (02/05/88)

I had the very same problem, and it took a lot of head scratching to figure
out what the hell was going on. The problem stems from the definition of
SFReply.fName. It's not a C string, and not really a P string, either - it's
a String(63) (see types.h). Here's a code fragment that does work:

    SFReply reply;
    Point where;
    char filename[100];
    SFTypeList texttype;
    extern pascal Boolean alignFiles();
    FILE *fp;

    texttype[0] = 'TEXT';
    where.v = 100; where.h = 75;
    SFGetFile(&where, "", alignFiles, 1, texttype, nil, &reply);
    if (reply.good) {
	SetVol(nil, reply.vRefnum);
	strncpy(filename, reply.fName.text, reply.fName.length);
	filename[reply.fName.length] = '\0';
	if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == nil) {
	    ErrorMessage("Could not open file:", filename);
	} else {
	    ... etc ...

		Hope this helps...

		Mike Blackwell   ...   mkb@rover.ri.cmu.edu