[comp.sys.mac] A tool generator in HyperCard

feng@tori2.ics.osaka-u.junet (Hyou An) (02/23/88)

       I am trying to develop a  tool  generator  in   HyperCard.
This  generator  will  generate  a tool from a specification. The
work looks like to construct a parser  generator.
       It  is simple for a Unix user, but seems to  be  difficult
for  a  HyperCard user. Perhaps, it is the reason why Apple Corp.
did not construct a  HyperTalk  oriented  editor for Script edit-
ing. To do it, many information, such like stack information  and
card  information, should   be   automatically   generated   from
the  specification.
        I would like to construct the system in C. Is  it  possi-
ble?   If possible, how can it be carried out? 
	Any comment or information  are welcome! Is  there   someone   
doing  a   similar work?

Dept. of Information & Computer Sciences 
Faculty  of  Engineering Science 
Toyonaka, Osaka 560 Japan

E-mail address: feng@tori1.ics.osaka-u.junet