[comp.sys.mac] A/UX and tape backup?

freeman@spar.SPAR.SLB.COM (Jay Freeman) (02/23/88)

I am confused.  Suppose I have a well-equipped Mac II, whose configuration
includes (a) the current release of A/UX, (b) an Apple 40 MByte SCSI tape
backup unit (with the software that came with it -- I think that's version
1.1 of the tape backup program) and (c) Macintosh System Software 5.0.

Now, can someone provide a simple "yes" or "no" answer to the following

Given this configuration of goodies, is there *any* way to back up A/UX to
40 MByte tape cartridges?

I think I understand that one cannot back up A/UX to the tape drive from
A/UX itself, but how about from the finder?  For example, can I back up the
A/UX partition as a single lump, using the "Backup Volume" feature of the
tape backup program?  (This might not work in two ways; it might be that the
A/UX partition is some different kind of volume that won't back up the
regular way, or it might be that the tape backup program can't cope with a
single volume too big to fit on one 40 MByte tape cartridge.)

I hope someone from Apple will spell out for the network precisely what tape
backup capability for A/UX is available with present Apple hardware and
software.  Phil Ronzone, are you listening?

						-- Jay Freeman

buzz@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Mahboud Zabetian) (02/24/88)

Yes you can backup A/UX from the Finder.  I have done it twice.  I just tell
the Tape Backup Application that I want all of the partitions backed up, and it
does it.  In my case it took three tapes and a ;long time, but everything
worked fine.

I just wish Apple had provided a way to do incremetal backup(tar, dump, cpio)
so I wouldn't have to do the whole thing over again.

Mahboud Zabetian				buzz@phoenix.princeton.edu
183 Little Hall 					(609) 520-1271
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544		(609) 734-7760
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