[comp.sys.mac] A/UX vs 4th Dimension

paul@unisoft.UUCP (n) (03/03/88)

Last night I was at BMUG's A/UX SIG (plug: it meets every other week on
Tuesday nights at 9pm (next meeting 15th March) in their offices on
Kittredge Street, Berkeley - mail me for more info) and a 4th
Dimension enthusiast asked "will it run 4th Dimension? ...." so we
loaded it up and everything ran except for

	- printing (no print manager in A/UX)

	- switching databases (4D relaunches itself when it switches
	  databases to clear the heaps ....)

the person who was testing it seemed to think it ran a little faster than
under the MacOS, probably due to the Unix buffer cache ....

		Paul Campbell

(C) Copyright Paul Campbell, you only may redistribute if your recipients can. 
	E-mail:		..!{ucbvax,hoptoad}!unisoft!paul  
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