[comp.sys.mac] Cabri - a tool for graph theory

pjmbaker@uvicctr.UUCP (Peter J. M. Baker) (03/14/88)

About a year ago, a program called 'Cabri' appeared in comp.binaries.mac.
This program was designed for experimenting with various types of graphs
and performed a number of operations on those graphs.  A friend of a
friend is very interested in this program and sent money to the people in
France (I think) for updates and other information.  He has not heard
anything from them Does anybody in netland know anything about the
development of this software?  I believe the developers were from a
University in France.

Please respond to me by email and I will forward the information.

Peter Baker, University of Victoria
USENET:	{alberta,seismo,utai,uw-beaver,watmath}!ubc-vision!uvicctr!pjmbaker
BITNET:	pjmbaker@uvunix.bitnet
CDN:	pjmbaker@sol.UVic.cdn