[comp.sys.mac] Which file does disk block belong to?

perkins@acf8.UUCP (Mark E. Perkins) (03/15/88)

    Is there any way of knowing to which file a specific disk block
belongs?  There are three blocks on my hard disk (MacBottom HD45) that
are unreadable.  This is established by using disk verification programs
(Disk Express, MacZap) and disk/file editors (MacZap, MacSnoop).
According to MacZap (using the Volume Information window), two of these
blocks are in an area that is currently unoccupied.  I suspect they used
to belong to a text file that got trashed recently.  The third is part
of some file.  How can I find out which file?

    I talked to customer service at PCPC, and they recommend re-fomatting
the disk to get rid of the problem blocks.  I have a recent back-up of
the HD, but I don't want to restore a faulty file after re-formatting.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?

	Mark Perkins

Internet:  mark@vml.psych.nyu.edu	(that's VEE-EM-ELL)
Usenet:    {seismo|ihnp4|allegra}!cmcl2!vml!mark
US Mail:   Department of Psychology, NYU
	   6 Washington Place, room 970
	   New York, NY 10003
Phone:	   (212) 998-7861

denbeste@bgsuvax.UUCP (William C. DenBesten) (03/16/88)

From article <1560045@acf8.UUCP>, by perkins@acf8.UUCP (Mark E. Perkins):
>     Is there any way of knowing to which file a specific disk block
> belongs?  There are three blocks on my hard disk (MacBottom HD45) that
> are unreadable.

> The third is part
> of some file.  How can I find out which file?

I don't have an answer for the first problem, but I have one for the second.
Use MacTools (from Copy II mac) to verify all the individual files.  The one
that doesn't verify contains the bad block.

I just tried it with copy II mac 7.0 and it was a pain.  I had to click OK
after every file.  I hope that you can come up with a better way.

          William C. DenBesten |       denbeste@bgsu.edu
      Dept of Computer Science | CSNET denbeste%andy.bgsu.edu@relay.cs.net
Bowling Green State University | UUCP  ...!cbosgd!osu-cis!bgsuvax!denbeste
  Bowling Green, OH 43403-0214 |