[comp.sys.mac] Finding virus origins

danm@tekig5.TEK.COM (Daniel Milliron) (03/15/88)

How can you trace a virus back to the creator?  I don't think it can be done,
so why raise dramatic cries of "let's go lynch them suckers!"

Dan Milliron

edwards@bgsuvax.UUCP (Bruce Edwards) (03/16/88)

In article <2529@tekig5.TEK.COM>, danm@tekig5.TEK.COM (Daniel Milliron) writes:
> How can you trace a virus back to the creator?  I don't think it can be done,
> so why raise dramatic cries of "let's go lynch them suckers!"
Actually it is possible. There is a new relatively unknown field developing
in forensic law enforcement which is called Body Field Magnetics. Each
programmer carries a certain electromagnetic field ID on his person which
is as recognizable as a finger print. While programming, some of this field
leaves a binary pattern in unused parts of the object code after it has
been compiled. Most students are unaware of this, but everyone has taken
a CS101 class, during this period Body Magnetic signatures were taken from
your files and stored in the Body Magnetics ID Center in Washington. Attempts
are currently under way to match any of these Body Field signatures against
the ones in the currently epidemic virus which is rampant in the Mac commun-
ity. Unfortunately the BFMC (Body Field Magnetics Center) does not have a
computer...so matching is being done by Shirley, a sweet little old lady
at the BFMC who has almost no personal magnetism, using a glass plate
and iron filings......:-)