[comp.sys.mac] Problem with color icon's

mrfung@nada.kth.se (Lars-Erik Fredriksson) (03/20/88)

To: comp.sys.mac
Subject: Problem with color icons (cicn)
Organization: The Royal Inst. of Techn., Stockholm

for the chinese line-eater Chibaolema? Chila meiyou? :-|)

That really took some time but I finally got down to the culprit !
I simply can not refrain from playing with Colors by Joel West 
(a wonderful CDEV that came with an APPL called Colorizer that I 
tend to use much less.
Anyhow to my dismay I started to get systemproblems like stack 
run into heap out of memory errors and similar (5 meg on a Mac II) 
both under Multifinder and Finder and looking at the memory used by 
the System and Finder it was obvious that the Finder munched up all 
the available memory in no time (well 20-30 secs) and then either 
la bomba ID = 25 or the controlpanel went down out of memory and 
only reboot would get it back.
Now hear this... -  the also very nice (but I guess I will have 
to live without them actually a kluge is to have them in a resouce 
read at boot by suitcase and to remember to close it before fiddling 
with menu- windowcolors and such) The system alert cicns created with 
Color tools (anyone knows what that is ? the about says cicn,crsr 
& ppat editor, sounds like fun!?) by Scott Anguish and Mark Steinberg 
of Graphic Applications that someone passed along on Delphi sems to be 
the bad guys. I would love to have color icons in my  alert dialog boxes 
(and everywhere else :- { ) and I would be grateful for any suggestions 
or fingers pointing to the guys that wrote them. I guess its impossible 
since I recall that he said he had to get off the net but... 

Well what I really would like is to hear Joel West expounding on 
the Inner chapters ( No Im not referring to the Zhuangzi Neipian or 
the Platform sutra, but the IM 1-5 & esp. 5 of course) or *of course*
the people responsible for the cicns!

* Mr Feng a.k.a         |                                           *
* Lars E Fredriksson,   |Email:EUNET: mrfeng@draken.nada.kth.se.    *  
* Far Eastern Library   |       AppleLink: c/o NORDLINDH1           *
* Box 163 58            |                                           *
* S-103 27 STOCKHOLM    |       Telephone: Int + 46 8 20 45 43      *
* SWEDEN                |             or : Int + 46 8 666 4394      *