hallett@hamlet.steinmetz (Jeff A. Hallett) (03/23/88)
A friend of mine and I were talking the other day and we came up with
a good idea. I'm sure you all are familiar with how the "Get Info"
comments disappear when the desktop is rebuilt. Discussions have been
made about making these comments more concrete. We thought it would
be a good idea for someone to write an INIT patch to the Finder Get
Info routine. The basic PDL might be below:
if (application has new "info" resource)
load the info resource into comment field of get info box;
load creator/version resource into get info box;
do "get info" as usual;
wait(get info window is closed);
when info window is closed, extract the get info comment field
and save it in the "info" resource of the application
(creating it if necessary);
It doesn't seem like it would be too hard for a real guru to pull off
(check out the QuickFolder init - that's a real trick too).
How about it? I couldn't do it (yet :^)).
Jeffrey A. Hallett | ARPA: hallett@ge-crd.arpa
Software Technology Program | UUCP: desdemona!hallett@steinmetz.uucp
GE Corporate Research and Development | (518) 387-5654
| Credo Quia Absurdum Est |