(Steve Masticola) (03/30/88)
Does anyone out there have the current version of microEMACS? I've got version 0.6, and it has some noticeable bugs. However, it's incredibly useful for handling zillion-kilobyte text-only files that MacWrite would take hours to translate (and still get wrong.) If you have MicroEMACS >0.6, could you please mail it or post it to comp.binaries.mac? Thanks! I've also used Red Writer (aka MockWrite) - it's a good, Mac-standard interface text-only editor, but it has problems with very large files. (A 70KB list of bboards gagged it.) The Rutgers MicroLab had two or three other PD/shareware editors, but none survived the rigors of trying to start under System 4.1. :-( If y'all know of a good text-only editor for the Mac other than the ones I've mentioned, please let us know! - Steve Masticola ( (Steve Masticola) (03/30/88)
Does anyone have a copy of microEmacs more recent than version 0.6? I found this in the MicroLab here, but it's got some noticeable bugs. I do find it very useful, though, for editing long text-only files (programs for other systems, lists, TeX source, etc.) If you have a more recent MicroEMACS, could you post it it comp.binaries.mac or mail it to me in BinHex 4.0 format? I've also used RedWriter aka MockWrite, which is a good product but has the drawback of limited file size. Three other mini-editors I looked at didn't survive the shock of waking up under System 4.1. :-( Does anyone use any other good text-only editors? Sorry if this has appeared before, but postnews has been flaky here. Thanks for your help! - Steve Masticola (