flash%ee.qmc.ac.uk@cs.qmc.ac.uk (Flash Sheridan) (03/26/88)
Sorry if this is old news, but I just realized it. You can have different applications have different colored windows by giving them different wctb resources (id=0, I think.) The best way I know to create wctb's is Kolor. But this only puts the result in your System file. You'll probably want to copy this, put it in an application, then edit it with ResEdit, preferably with Jeff Harrow's wctb template. It works with dumb virtue, at least. It's especially neat under MultiFinder.
holland@mips.csc.ti.com (Fred Hollander) (04/19/88)
In article <427@sequent.cs.qmc.ac.uk> <@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk,@cs.qmc.ac.uk:flash@ee.qmc.ac.uk> writes: >or_perhaps_Reply_to: flash%ee.qmc.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk (Flash Sheridan) > >The best way I know to create wctb's is Kolor. But this only puts >the result in your System file. You'll probably want to copy this, >put it in an application, then edit it with ResEdit, preferably with >Jeff Harrow's wctb template. I have been customizing my screen with Kolor and now I can't choose specific colors. They all map to a color that is "close" to the one I want. I guess I filled up the color table and Kolor won't change existing entries. I'd like to reset things to the way they were before I began using Kolor. Does anyone know what I need to change (or remove) such as wctb's or clut's and which ones? Thanks, Fred Hollander Computer Science Center Texas Instruments, Inc. holland%ti-csl@csnet-rela The above statements are my own and not representative of Texas Instruments.