[comp.sys.mac] Scores Report 3

jpd@eecs.nwu.edu (Phil Draughon (ACNS)) (05/02/88)

This is my third report on the Scores virus.  In my first report I
revealed what Scores did, how to detect it, and how to get rid of
it by hand using ResEdit.  In my second report I reviewed Ferret
1.0 and KillScores, two free disinfectant programs that have
appeared to get rid of Scores.  In this report I describe further
testing of Ferret 1.0, the new Ferret 1.1, and KillScores.

IMPORTANT:  Ferret 1.1 has very serious bugs!  Based on my tests I
recommend using KillScores instead.

1. Ferret 1.1 does NOT properly delete one of the viral resources
in the system file (INIT 17), at least on my small infected test
system!  I found this unbelievable, so I reran my test several
times, and it failed each time.  Ferret 1.0 does not have this

2. Ferret 1.1 does NOT properly disinfect files which contain CODE
resources marked "protected".  Some applications are distributed
with protected CODE resources, and Scores can infect them, so this
is another important bug.  Ferret 1.0 also has this bug.  In this
case the supposedly repaired application is left in a seriously
damaged state - it will bomb immediately on launch.

3. Ferret 1.1 does NOT properly disinfect locked files.  This is an
important bug, even though Scores can't infect locked files.  The
file could have been unlocked when it became infected, and then the
user could have locked it later.  Ferret 1.0 also has this bug. 
I'd like to thank Rich Holmes for first pointing out this bug.

4. Ferret 1.1 still does NOT always properly report the names of
infected files.  Ferret 1.0 also has this bug.

To make things even worse, Ferret does not give the user any
indication that anything is wrong.  It leaves the user with the
impression that his/her system is clean, when in fact it's still at
least partially infected.

I also did further testing of KillScores.  KillScores had no
problems with the cases above where Ferret failed - it properly
disinfected all the files on my test system.  In the case of locked
files KillScores unlocks the file, disinfects it, and leaves it

In my second report I mentioned that CE Software's Vaccine
effectively prevents infection by Scores, at least on my test
system.  If you are at all worried about viruses, and you should
be, I strongly recommend that you get Vaccine and use it
religiously.  CE Software deserves all of our thanks for developing
and giving away this important tool.  It's not perfect protection,
as the authors freely admit in the documentation, but it is
effective against Scores, and I understand that it's also effective
against most of the other recent Mac viruses.

Once again, I must emphasize that I do not have the facilities or
time to do large scale testing of many infected applications.  All
of my testing is done on a small floppy-only system, with only
MacWrite, TeachText, and ResEdit for infected applications.  So I
can't guarantee that KillScores or any other program is perfect, or
that I haven't made mistakes in these reports.

Also, I should probably mention that all of my statements in all of
my reports reflect my opinions only, and not those of my employer,
Northwestern University.

Finally, if you're reading this on comp.sys.mac, please note that I
am NOT Phil Draughon!  I'm just using his account to post this
message, since my usual machine is having trouble posting notes. 
My real name and address are:

John Norstad
Academic Computing and Network Services
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208

Bitnet:   JLN@NUACC

Monday morning, May 2, 1988