(Mark Steven Sherman) (05/25/88)
Here is the introduction from the file. I expect that few are interested since the function is provided by a lot of shareware programs, but if you are, let me know and I'll mail you the file. -Mark ------------------------------------------------------------ This binhex'd stuffit file contains the Lightspeed Pascal project, pascal source and resource file for creating a Change File Info application. It also contains the compiled program, and a MacWrite, format help file. The application allows one to set and change the type and owner of a file. The application has some limited knowledge about common files used in our environment, and can be easily extended by any knowledgable ResEdit hacker. The ability to change the type and owner of a file is critical with current implementations of Kermit and FTP, which typically move only data forks of files -- when a saved fork is retrieved, the communications program usually marks it as text, which is not always correct. Users here understand that they must twiddle the file type and owner but needed a program to do so. Although this function is provided by in numerous commercial products and shareware offerings, the network group here at the CMU Computation Center (which distributes FTP, for example) wanted to distribute a program for which there would be no questions about its ability to be freely copied and exchanged. Thus I wrote this utility that would have no restrictions. There are no restrictions on the use or redistribution of this program imposed by me (Mark Sherman), its author, or by my employer (CMU). However, if you know of a way to make money with this program, please let me know, as I have other things more worthy of marketing. It is a quick and dirty utility, but the people who used it claim that it does the job for them. It works on the various kinds of configurations I have available, which is not very many.