[comp.sys.mac] HP-LJ+ Emulation on LWIINTX

g556871349ea@deneb.ucdavis.edu (0040;0000005259;0;745;352;) (06/06/88)

Some non-computer expert over-rode a committee decision and purchased a LWIINTX

instead of the NT because of the HP LaserJet+ emulation. Has anyone tried out 

this emulation mode and is it practical. After resding the manual, it seems a 

lot of hassle to have to go through to switch between machines. Any comments

or advice on this matter would be appreciated.

g556871349ea@deneb.ucdavis.edu (0040;0000005259;0;745;352;) (06/06/88)

Sorry, the signature file did not get included:

Colin Ong        g556871349ea@deneb.ucdavis.edu

		GEnie C.ONG

Department LAWR, University of California, Davis, CA 95616

Disclaimer: My department does not care about student opinion so this

	opinion in no way reflects an opinion of my department or universityr