[comp.sys.mac] Help! Labels get stuck in Image

jarrett@repoman.UUCP (06/09/88)

>The IW II likes to back up the paper and then advance it a bit right before
>it starts printing.  When it backs up, one of the labels from the single-
>column tractor-fed sheet "rolls" off and sticks itself to the metal strip.
>It sticks and it holds ... the printer tries to advance the label sheet but
>it can't.  It starts printing and prints it all on the line it got stuck on.

    I have been quietly watching the messages go back and forth on Usenet
about the ImageWriter printing and peeling labels and I now have some
    At the end of each page, the driver rolls the paper to the point where
you can tear it off (known as last form tear-off). Then, when it prints the
next page, it rolls the paper back, so that it can print at the top of that
page.  This paper motion, which we call "the little dance" is ONLY done to
permit last form tear-off.  My questions to those interested:

    [1] Is last form tear-off important to you (i.e., do you tear paper off
        right there, or do you eject a page anyway?)

    [2] Would you like an check box in the print dialog such as "Do little

Yep, I've had paper jams also, both in the old IW-1 and the new IW-2.  But,
try using some of the original (reliable?) EPSON dot matrix printers -- they
used (and still do in many current models) "pull" tractor-feed mechanisms, and
you wouldn't dare start a multi-page print and go get a cup of coffee...
Same thing goes for many / most other Dot Matrix printers.
I never had the IBM ProPrinter jam (push-feed, no roller), but I didn't use it
much (gimme a break, it is the only thing I ever bought that had "IBM" on it --
BTW, it is a great little low-cost printer; too bad I don't know how to make it
print QuickDraw output!)
What would I like to see on an IW-2+?
        * 15-inch platen width (optional).
        *  A second set of pin-feed rollers to keep label stock on -- just
           dis-engage / engage the rollers to print and feed (paper and/or
        * A diaglog option to stop the "little dance" would be good; I usually
          print one-page docs, roll the paper up, remove the doc, then re-set
          the top of the next page; I rarely need to have the paper reset.
        * Sheet Feeder / Envelope Feeder
        * Print dialog should have (MUST HAVE) an "envelope" option for paper
          size (both std. envelope sizes).
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