[comp.sys.mac] Shadowgate Help

paulm@psu-cs.UUCP (Paul Mauvais) (06/06/88)

Ok, I'm desperate, I've played ShadowGate since it first came out,
and I STILL can't figure out what to do to finish off the behemoth.

Can someone PLEASE help me??  I'm going crazy trying to figure it out.
None of my friends can either.  I have everything I should need(I guess)
i.e. just about everything one can pick up(including gold orb)
I get to the last room and see the behemoth and die everytime.

Anyone have any suggestions??

Please E-MAIL only.  Thanks a lot.

                                                                Paul Mauvais
LOCAL:  paulm@psu-cs                            Portland State University CS
CSNET:  paulm@cs.pdx.edu                        Portland Center for Advanced
ARPANET:paulm%cs.pdx.edu@relay.cs.net                             Technology
UUCP:   {ucbvax,uunet,ihnp4,gatech}!tektronix!psu-cs!paulm

juracan@ihlpl.ATT.COM (Alonso) (06/11/88)

I have three questions:

1) How do you get past the troll's bridge?
2) How do you get to the door above the ledge that breaks?
3) How do you use the broom?
4) How about the carpet?

	Please reply by email
	Ted Alonso
	(ihnp4's replacement)!ihlpl!juracan

-    Ted Alonso 	    -
-    ihnp4!ihlpl!juracan    -