[comp.sys.mac] MacPuke

brewer@clio.las.uiuc.edu (06/18/88)

In a word, yes. I have seen copies of the MacPuke sound, so I assume it can be

Robert Brewer
    {ihnp4 | convex | pur-ee}!uiucuxc!clio!brewer

leonardr@uxe.cso.uiuc.edu (06/19/88)

fang@dukempd.UUCP(??) writes in comp.sys.mac

>        Is it possible to take the sound resource out of MacPuke by using
>Sound Leech, then place it in a sound folder for SoundMaster to use?

	Yes.  I did it using SoundEdit which is part of the MacRecorder package. I
have not used SoundLeech to see if it can do that same thing, but SoundEdit
works just fine.  If there is REALLY a lot of call for it, I guess that I could
post the sound....

+                                 +  Any thing I say may be taken as  +
+   Leonard Rosenthol             +  fact, then again you might decide+
+   President, LazerWare, inc.    +  that it really isn't, so you     +
+                                 +  never know, do you??             +
+   leonardr@uxe.cso.uiuc.edu     +                                   +
+   GEnie:  MACgician             +                                   +
+   Delphi: MACgician             +                                   +
+                                 +                                   +