(Explaining is not understanding) (06/19/88)
What ever happened to the proposed binaries newsgroup for HyperCard stacks? Thanks...Gary
sysop@stech.UUCP (Jan Harrington) (06/27/88)
in article <>, (Explaining is not understanding) says: > > What ever happened to the proposed binaries newsgroup for HyperCard stacks? > The group has been officially created, but not one single person has submitted a stack. All I've received is copies of net messages talking about compressing binaries, etc. .... If people don't submit stacks, they can't be posted! Jan Harrington, sysop Scholastech Telecommunications UUCP: husc6!amcad!stech!sysop or allegra!stech!sysop BITNET: JHARRY@BENTLEY ******************************************************************************** Miscellaneous profundity: "No matter where you go, there you are." Buckaroo Banzai ********************************************************************************