[comp.sys.mac] comp.sys.ibm

dasy@mitre-bedford.ARPA (David Shinberg) (06/29/88)

  I am looking for an application to work with forms on a Macintosh.  The
ideal application should be able to scan a form and then automatically 
assign fields to boxed regions.  An interface to a data base is also a
plus.  Please respond by email and I will summarize for the net.  Any help,
comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

				Dave S

Heflich@sleazy.UUCP (Alan Heflich) (07/01/88)

In article <35481@linus.UUCP> dasy@mitre-bedford.ARPA (Shinberg) writes:
>  I am looking for an application to work with forms on a Macintosh.  The
>ideal application should be able to scan a form and then automatically 
>assign fields to boxed regions.  An interface to a data base is also a
>plus.  Please respond by email and I will summarize for the net.  Any help,
>comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
>				Dave S

Your net mail path did not work from my mailer so I am posting to the net.
Spectrum Digital makes a package called True Forms that does exactly
what you are asking for.  There are other such packages but this is the
only one that I have any experience with.

Alan Heflich
USENET:   {backbone}!nud!sleazy!heflich
Internet:  Heflich @ Dockmaster.ARPA