[comp.sys.mac] meta key for gnuemacs?

lippin@spam.berkeley.edu (The Apathist) (07/04/88)

Since emacs expects meta characters to be the same as a normal
characters, but with the high bit set, one could, in theory, get meta
characters with the option key already, but they likely come out
scrambled.  But by rearranging things with a new KMAP, it should be
possible.  Of course, your terminal emulator might be too smart for
it's own good, and filter out these characters, in which case you'll
need another scheme.  Or another terminal emulator.

					--Tom Lippincott

	"If I went about claiming supreme executive power just because
	some watery tart lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!"

dorner@uxg.cso.uiuc.edu (07/05/88)

>Does anyone know how to get the option key, or other happily located
>key, to serve as a meta key for gnuemacs when I use ncsa-telnet, mac ip,
>or uw to use my mac+ as a terminal to our sun 4-280/unix machine?

If you pull down the ``Configure'' menu in uw, and select ``Keyboard'',
it will let you make the option key work as a Mac option key or as a META
key.  I have not tried this myself; I can't use emacs.
Steve Dorner, U of Illinois Computing Services Office
Internet: dorner@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu  UUCP: seismo!uiucuxc!dorner
IfUMust:  (217) 333-3339