jan@lipari.usc.edu (Jan Vandenbrande) (07/07/88)
Can someone comment on the transportability of data (MSWord Lotus 1-2-3) and possibly sources between an IBM PC (clone) using the 3.5 discs and a Mac SE. The problem is as follows: I use the Mac for writing my thesis but my wife uses IBM PC clones at work. We would like to get a Mac SE so that I can write at home but would also like to have the possibility of my wife using the same machine for her work. She uses MSWord and Lotus 1-2-3 on the IBMs, while I use MSWord on the Mac only. We would like to know if: 1] the IBM 3.5 disks are readably by the Mac 2] the Mac's MSWord can handle IBM MSWord files 3] Is there some conversion between the formats necessary 4] Has anyone used SoftPC, how does it work and perform. If this has been discussed previously, my apologies. I am not a frequent reader of this net so please send your replies directly to me at jan%lipari@oberon.usc.edu or vdb@cse.usc.edu Jan arpa: jan%lipari@oberon.usc.edu vdb@cse.usc.edu (or vdb%cse@csnet-relay.arpa) uucp: ..!{{decvax,ucbvax}!sdcsvax,hplabs,allegra,trwrb}!sdcrdcf!uscvax!vdb
mdc@mcp.entity.com (Marty Connor) (07/07/88)
The Dayna company makes a SCSI device called the DaynaFile that would let you read and write IBM-PC floppies (5.25 and 3.5 inch). I have one connected to my SE at work and write and read IBM-PC Floppies all the time with it. I believe ABATON also makes one of these drives. From what I understand the Dayna box is much more transparent to use because they have a nice device driver that lets the Mac think it is talking to just another SCSI drive. Look in MacWorld or MacUser or the "Macintosh Buyers Guide" which you can find at your local authorized Apple dealer for more info on the companies I mentioned. There is usually an index to advertisers in the back of the Magazine. I bought my DaynaFile for somewhere in the neighborhood of .7k or so. -- ---------------- Marty Connor Director of Innovation, The Entity mdc@mcp.entity.com, ...{harvard|uunet}!mit-eddie!spt!mcp!mdc