[comp.sys.mac] humpback

gmw8868@fedeva.UUCP (Mitch Wood) (06/11/88)

What is the object of the game, and how do you acheive it?
Pushing a camel through the eye of a needle?? 
but How???


! Mitch Wood @ FEDERAL EXPRESS Memphis, TN   | Fill in the .signature         !
! ..!gatech!emcard!fedeva!gmw8868            | "____________________________" !

rickk@hpvcla.HP.COM (Rick Klaus) (06/15/88)

Please let me know how to get started as well.  This could drive a person

Rick Klaus

lbaum@bcsaic.UUCP (Larry Baum) (06/17/88)

In article <3770020@hpvcla.HP.COM> rickk@hpvcla.HP.COM (Rick Klaus) writes:
>Please let me know how to get started as well.  This could drive a person

Me too!!


dorourke@polyslo.UUCP (David O'Rourke) (06/18/88)

If who ever responds do so via e-mail and not the network could you please
add me to the cc list.

Thankyou in advance.

David M. O'Rourke

Disclaimer: I don't represent the school.  All opinions are mine!

osmigo@ut-emx.UUCP (06/20/88)

In article <3208@polyslo.UUCP> dorourke@polyslo.UUCP (David O'Rourke) writes:
>If who ever responds do so via e-mail and not the network could you please
>add me to the cc list.

Same here, please....

<||>---Ron Morgan---<||>-UUCP: {ihnp4,allegra,ut-sally}!emx!osmigo-<||||||||||>
<||>-Univ. of Texas-<||>-------osmigo@emx.UUCP---------------------<||||||||||>
<||>--Austin Texas--<||>-ARPA: osmigo@emx.utexas.edu---------------<||||||||||>

crowe@whuts.UUCP (CROWE) (06/20/88)

In article <3495@ut-emx.UUCP>, osmigo@ut-emx.UUCP writes:
> In article <3208@polyslo.UUCP> dorourke@polyslo.UUCP (David O'Rourke) writes:
> >If who ever responds do so via e-mail and not the network could you please
> >add me to the cc list.
> Same here, please....
Me, too please.

Donald E. Crowe

pector@ihuxy.ATT.COM (Pector) (06/21/88)

Please add me to the e-mail list, too if a Humpback explanation is not
posted to this newsgroup.

Scott Pector

prince@maui.cs.ucla.edu (Larry Prince) (06/21/88)

In article <3495@ut-emx.UUCP> osmigo@emx.UUCP (Ron Morgan) writes:

(<add me to the list of those who want help)

>Same here, please....
Me, too!

		    UCLA Computer Science Department
   -- Larry         3413 Boelter Hall   Los Angeles 90024  (213) 825-2145
	 Prince     UUCP:     {ucbvax,ihnp4,sdcrdcf}!ucla-cs!prince
		    ARPAnet:  prince@CS.UCLA.EDU

holland@mips.csc.ti.com (Fred Hollander) (06/21/88)

In article <3770020@hpvcla.HP.COM> rickk@hpvcla.HP.COM (Rick Klaus) writes:
>Please let me know how to get started as well.  This could drive a person

Maybe that's the point.  I'll bet this guy thought it would be a great joke to
post a game that had no goal, just an interface with enough bells and whistles
to make think, "Who would go through this trouble if it isn't a real game?"
Otherwise, why hasn't the author repsonded to the pleas of how to play?

Fred Hollander
Computer Science Center
Texas Instruments, Inc.

The above statements are my own and not representative of Texas Instruments.

ack@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Andy J. Williams) (06/21/88)

In article <2560@ihuxy.ATT.COM> pector@ihuxy.ATT.COM (Pector) writes:
>Please add me to the e-mail list, too if a Humpback explanation is not
>posted to this newsgroup.

And me please.


Andy J. Williams '90   |Ack Systems: ack@eleazar.dartmouth.edu|   _   /|
Software Development   +--------------------------------------+   \`o_O' ACK!
Kiewit Computation Ctr |Hello. Set $NAME='Iinigo Montoya' You |     ( )  /
Dartmouth College      |kill -9 my process.  Prepare to vi.   |      U

jcc@ut-emx.UUCP (J. Chris Cooley) (06/21/88)

In article <2560@ihuxy.ATT.COM>, pector@ihuxy.ATT.COM (Pector) writes:
Since someone decided to make an e-mail list for the Humpback hints,
I might as well get on the list, too.

(It might be easier if someone posted the answer to the net...)


P.S.  Isn't there a saying like "You can't put a camel through the eye of
a needle??"

J. Chris Cooley                         |     husc6! -\
Computation. Center (COM 1)             |      im4u! -->-ut-sally!ut-emx!jcc
Univ. of Texas at Austin                |     uunet! -/
Austin, TX  78712                       |

jfbrule@cmx.npac.syr.edu (Jim Brule) (06/21/88)

>In article <2560@ihuxy.ATT.COM> pector@ihuxy.ATT.COM (Pector) writes:
>`Please add me to the e-mail list, too if a Humpback explanation is not
>`posted to this newsgroup.

Be sure to get your crutches ready, friends. Your legs have been pulled
so far that you may have an irreversible limp!

(Did you know that 'gullible' is not listed in the latest edition of
Webster's unabridged?)


Tim_M_Dierks@cup.portal.com (06/22/88)

Another requisition for a Humpback explanation (if Humpback isn't in _your_
kill file, shouldn't it be?)

Just mail me the info...

Tim Dierks

fmg@homxc.UUCP (F.GOLDSTEIN) (06/22/88)

In article <8959@dartvax.Dartmouth.EDU>, ack@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Andy J. Williams) writes:
> In article <2560@ihuxy.ATT.COM> pector@ihuxy.ATT.COM (Pector) writes:
> >
> >
> >Please add me to the e-mail list, too if a Humpback explanation is not
> >posted to this newsgroup.
> And me please.
> -ajw

Me three.

	Floyd Goldstein

Do I really have to make this longer so that it will post?

armond@sdsu.UUCP (Armond Mehrabian) (06/23/88)

You people who think that humpback is a joke just don't have any patience.
The object is easy. Look at the map in the lower right corner. The idea is
to get from the United Arab Emerates to Mecca while getting the camal through  
the eye of the needle as many times as possible.  Some things to keep in
mind is that, for beginners, it is better to choose a bactrian (two hump)
camel. Although they look bigger, they have better eyes (especcially the   
females).  Another hint is to keep your eyes on the target sight (lower 
middle of the screen) instead of the camal.  Line up the eye of the needle
leaving alittle space , then move forward and build up your velocity before
you get to where you touch the needle.
If this is still hard for you, get ahold of Wade's illustrated guide, he
did a good job on it.


timd@cognos.uucp (Tim Dudley) (06/24/88)

In article <4457@whuts.UUCP> crowe@whuts.UUCP (CROWE) writes:
#> >If who ever responds do so via e-mail and not the network could you please
#> >add me to the cc list.
#Me, too please.
Me, too, please.     And hurry.

Tim Dudley         Cognos Incorporated
(613) 738-1440     3755 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA  K1G 3N3
"I think I think, therfore I think I am..."

ccw@nvuxr.UUCP (06/24/88)

In article <3555@ut-emx.UUCP> jcc@ut-emx.UUCP (J. Chris Cooley) writes:
>P.S.  Isn't there a saying like "You can't put a camel through the eye of
>a needle??"
Isn't the line more like "It is easier to put a camel through the
eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven" ?

Anyway, add one more to the mailing list for more info - if there
really is a game, and it's not just a joke ...
		Chris Wood

hvt@tnosel.UUCP (henq) (06/24/88)

The resources in HumpBack do not show other items than available at game-
startup time. No strings like 'You loose/win' .....

-Henq van Tyen

Have a nice day!

dplatt@coherent.com (Dave Platt) (06/28/88)

In article <659@nvuxr.UUCP> ccw@nvuxr.UUCP (22221-christopher wood) writes:
> Isn't the line more like "It is easier to put a camel through the
> eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven" ?

Something like that, at least in the modern translations.  I've heard
(can't cite a source, unfortunately) that this is actually a serious
mistranslation that confuses the sense of the original analogy... the
word used in the original (Aramaic?) wasn't "camel", but was instead a
compound word derived from the phrase "camel-hair" and meant "rope".
Makes more sense, no?

Dave Platt                                             VOICE: (415) 493-8805
  USNAIL: Coherent Thought Inc.  3350 West Bayshore #205  Palo Alto CA 94303
  UUCP: ...!{ames,sun,uunet}!coherent!dplatt     DOMAIN: dplatt@coherent.com
  INTERNET:   coherent!dplatt@ames.arpa,    ...@sun.com,    ...@uunet.uu.net

sbb@esquire.UUCP (Stephen B. Baumgarten) (06/28/88)

In article <6050@bcsaic.UUCP> lbaum@bcsaic.UUCP (Larry Baum) writes:
>In article <3770020@hpvcla.HP.COM> rickk@hpvcla.HP.COM (Rick Klaus) writes:
>>Please let me know how to get started as well.  This could drive a person
>Me too!!

I wouldn't mind a hint either, to whoever's mailing them out.  Otherwise,
the camel's going to make his last journey into the trash can...

   Steve Baumgarten             | "New York... when civilization falls apart,
   Davis Polk & Wardwell        |  remember, we were way ahead of you."
   {uunet,cmcl2}!esquire!sbb    |                           - David Letterman

kriss@AUSTIN.LOCKHEED.COM (R M Kriss) (06/30/88)

No need to send a copy of HumpBack. I now have it.


Dick Kriss

dwelsh@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (J. Douglas Welsh) (07/07/88)

Okay okay. Humpback is a joke, right? Right? 

If it's not, could somebody POST some pointers? (It seems the demand
would be there if this program is really for real.)

If it is a joke, please POST so, so we'll all know. Thanks.

Mike Schmelzer, Interloper.
"Be thrilled with the thought that it's a jungle out there,
even if it's really not that great." - Waitresses

larryha@tekig5.TEK.COM (Larry Hattery) (07/08/88)

>Okay okay. Humpback is a joke, right? Right? 

Try decrypting the cairo font message at the bottom of the documentation.

Larry E. Hattery                        Tektronix Inc.
larryha@penguin.PEN.TEK.COM             M/S 47-704
Portable Instruments Division           PO Box 500
(503)627-1225 days                      Beaverton, OR 97077