[comp.sys.mac] Does a PMMU do anything if you're not running A/UX?

jeff@ndcheg.cheg.nd.edu (Jeff Kantor) (07/21/88)

Does the PMMU do anything if you're not running A/UX?  The reason I ask this
is that I can buy a Mac II with A/UX and a  PMMU for  only marginally more
than a machine without these things. Is there any utility to having a PMMU
if you're not interested in running A/UX?

My apologies if this has been thoroughly hashed out in the past.

Jeff Kantor
Notre Dame


jbn@glacier.STANFORD.EDU (John B. Nagle) (07/22/88)

     No.  Scully has been making protected-mode operating system noises
(see his interview in Computer Currents last spring) but nothing solid yet.
A major redesign of the operating system will be required.  But it can
probably be made transparent to existing Mac applications.  And it will
have to be done eventually, now that the competition (OS/2) has protected
mode operation.  The virus problem isn't going to go away.

					John Nagle