ajq@mace.cc.purdue.edu (John O'Malley) (08/25/88)
Maybe one of you programming wizards can help me out with this one. Some collegues on campus who have their four Macs AppleTalked to share a LaserWriter are experiencing some strange problems. They've each reported problems using spell checkers with Microsoft Word, MacWrite 5.0, and two DA spelling checkers. Every time they access the checker, going through the regular steps, they end up with a "Mystery Error -39" bomb box and have to restart. The only thing they say that's changed with their systems is that they upgraded to System Tools 5.0 on each Mac a few weeks ago (that's System 4.2 and Finder 6.0). Any clues? What's a Mystery Error -39 and how does one make it go away? This is happening on more than one machine. Any chance the network could be involved? John O'Malley / Macintosh / Purdue University / (317) mace.cc.purdue.edu!ajq / Project Specialist / Computing Center / 494-9944
Mark_Peter_Cookson@cup.portal.com (08/28/88)
Grabing my handy dandy programing manual that is full of bomb codes, it says: (under File Manager Errors) "-39 eofErr :Logical end-of-file reached during read operation" I would try and put the stuff in questions back onto the server from the original floppy. But that is just a guess. At least you know what the problem is though. But it is interesting that the software didn't handle this error. It should have never gotten to a bomb box.... Mark Cookson