[comp.sys.mac] External 80MB drives

jfbrule@cmx.npac.syr.edu (Jim Brule) (09/01/88)


I am in the process of ordering a microExplorer, but am not certain
that I want to be strapped with Apple's 80MB external drives: the
word is that they're pretty slow.

I'm looking to buy to 80MB drives: any experience? advice?

Tanx in advance...


  //\//\\  //\//\\  //\//\\|"Time flies like an arrow;
\// //  \\// //  \\// //  \|  Fruit flies like a banana."  G. Marx
// //\\  // //\\  // //\\  |--------------------------------------
/\//  \\//\//  \\//\//  \\/|Jim Brule' | jfbrule@cmx.npac.syr.edu