The first batch of UK Mac Binaries are available and will be posted to uk.sources and to The first batch consists of four offerings. 1) ASND Converter - converts ASND sound resources into Sound files. 2) ConToStu - converts Concertware+ song files to Studio Session files 3) VT100keypad for MacKermit - for the MacPlus. At last!! 4) VT100keypad for MacKermit - for the MacII/SE. These Binaries follow this message in other postings (if everything goes OK!) The Binaries are NOT being posted to comp.sys.mac - only this message is. Any one in the UK/Europe with any further items for posting send them to me at the address below. If you lose any parts of any items you will be able to get them from Lancaster. Phil Jimmieson, *************************************************** Computer Science Dept., * ** Note New Address & UserName ** * Liverpool University, * JANET : PHIL@UK.AC.LIV.CS.MVA * Merseyside, England, * ARPA : * L69 3BX * * * old address SQPHIL@UK.AC.LIV.CSVAX may work * *************************************************** (UK) 051-709-6022 x 2501 (UK) 051-794-3689 <----- Dial direct from October 8th. Computer - "How Do You Feel?" Spock - "I Don't Understand The Question."