pratt@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Jonathan Pratt) (09/13/88)
Although I have this problem less frequently than I used to, there are still times when an application crashes on my Mac and leaves a num- ber of files open. If you're like me you probably like to use some sort of exit-to-shell trick to avoid rebooting as long as it wasn't a really nasty crash-and-burn. The problem is that the files left hanging open are virtually inaccessible - so you can't easily go back to what you were doing. My solution to this was to write a tiny desk accessory that will completely close up any open file, if so instructed. Since other people I've given this to have found it useful, and since I haven't seen any- thing else quite like it, I'm donating it to all. The usual disclaimers apply - use it at your own risk. Feel free to modify it and give/sell it to anyone. This tool is easily abused though, so it's inadvisable to give uninformed users a crack at it. You don't want to close files that are *supposed* to be open, such as the System and currently running application(s). Furthermore, I doubt that this will work properly under the old 64K ROM. That said, I offer two customizing patches you can apply. If you think that most times you will be closing a single file, change $67B6 to $6708 so that the SFGetFile dialog disappears after one file is closed rather than continually coming back until cancel is clicked. The SFGetFile dialog may be moved by changing $005A $0050 to a new top- left coordinate. Feel free to send any comments. Jonathan Pratt email: US Mail Campus Box 425 University of Colorado (CU has nothing to do with this) Boulder, Colorado 80309 --- (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :#N0XEh0P)%CTE'8!4%C*6%406eB!!!!!!!!!!!)8%&m!!!!!!3!!!!(@!!!!eJ! !!$j1Z[R)60mBm%jH)&p36dl3`84%8N9')#!!!J!!6PB!!!T$E'pcC5"'D@aPE!) !!!"%4NP-4%e29J!!!!!!!!!!!!"%4NP-4%e29J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!*p3`MS!!!!!!!!#&&"&393!!%j@r[`3,IT65)!p32rm'fi!#2T65Ui!#QF Z3QFr,J!15(S!9L"Z!!S[%%KZr[`r2!!#6Ud"HNKZr[`r2!!#6Ud!UMeIrrjJ&N* R2bi!$NKk!#Br2!!#6Ud!UMeIrriEE[rpqP01AL"I8%p1d-a*6NY&8P*2!!`!!!N J8hN!!!$5"!!!!!!!!!!!DJ$)!-J!b!$)#N0XEh0P)%CTE'8!)PmJAakm!!&+D!! BC`*#&dl4-#m!#$p!!!S-32rrCL5Hr!!1,bm!%Mmm!!&)E`!+5'm!#NK[!"5TM8K k!(+TAplm!!S[9`!'A%p1G8j@rfB[2!"D!&"#TdKkrkBr22rr3UG)H[qZ5'lrYMm m!!+TkNSZrlCR,%(ZrfC$l[r!)8N!%M&Zrl`!&N)S!"T#D!!FS!aQ#NTS!"KRYU! "B2*#CkR)6Pi`22q86R9`!%je"80XEh0P!!!"!!!!!GB!!!$@!!!!2J!$&8))G!! !!"`!-J!!4&*@8J!!!!S!$!!!)!!!!!!$&3S,!%0XEh0P)%CTE'ANc`: ---