[comp.sys.mac] Macintosh to Laserjet II interface

krm@aluxz.UUCP (Kurt Marko) (09/22/88)

I am wondering if anyone has experience interfacing the Mac 
to H-P's LaserJet II printer.  I know virtually nothing about
this printer other than it uses its own page description 
language (not PostScript).  I can think of a couple scenarios
whereby the software interface could be accomplished (I 
presume the genuine interface is straightforward enough
using the Mac's serial port and maybe a 'Grappler' to go

	1.  A PostScript interpreter board attached to (in
	    place of) H-P's own page formatting hardware.
	    This sounds expensive, but would seem to offer
	    all the advantages of PS.

	2.  A device driver which would transform the
	    Mac's font and graphics information (in Quickdraw)
	    to whatever form the H-P understands prior to 
	    downloading to the printer (I guess this is
	    complicated by the fact that the H-P stores its
	    fonts on ROM cartridges and one would have to
	    have the appropriate font "plugged in" for this
	    to work properly...perhaps someone with 
	    experience can enlighten me here).

My questions are:  what are people's experience regarding this
problem (I'm sure it's not unique).  I've heard of a PS board
for the LaserJet from QMS; does anyone else make one.  Does such
software (as mentioned in item #2) exist (I haven't heard of any)?
Would a 'Grappler' or similar device and driver do the trick, or
would it compromise graphics quality (compared to PS or QD).  How
about the new Cricket device drivers, do/will they have a version
for the LaserJet II?

Posting or e-mailing of replies graciously accepted.  Thanks for
any help.

Kurt Marko