[comp.sys.mac] System freeze during file xfer

) (09/13/88)

I will do better than that!!!!  Here is the complete article, posted to USENET awhile
back, about how to do the disk.  After reading it, if you have any questions, just
let me know!!!

Phil Hunt

Subject: Build an ST506 hard disk system (long)
Posted: 11 Jul 88 06:42:29 GMT
Organization: Harvard Center for Hardware Hacking, Cambridge, MA
Here is the (much requested) article which will tell you  how  to
build  your  own hard disk system for the mac using the following
- An ST506 compatible drive (the standard used on the IBM PC).
- An  Adaptec controller board.
- A power supply, a case, some cables, some hardware.
- Software which will cost you $10 or a pint of blood.
- A Mac with a SCSI port.
I have listed some sources for these items at the end of the  ar-
There have been quite a few successful homebuilt hard  disk  sys-
tems  built,  several by people on the net who have replied to my
requests for information.  There already have been articles writ-
ten  on the subject; in particular, a series of MacTutor articles
(around April 1986) describe a system  very  similar  to  what  I
describe here.  The MacTutor articles are a bit more complicated;
my scheme was simplified by using less cabling  and  by  using  a
version  of  Ephraim  Vishniac's SF&I program which has been tay-
lored for the particular board I am using.
I got into this project when I bought a 10  Meg  drive  from  Eli
Heffron's,  an electronic surplus dealer in Cambridge.  The drive
cost me $75, and I figured that for such a price  I  didn't  have
much  to  loose.   Eli's drives had been tested out on a PC; they
were ST506 compatible and had come from GCC, where they had  been
used  in  the  original Hyperdrive.  I was determined to use this
drive with my mac, and was surprised to find out  how  easy  this
was  to  do  (although several people had told me it could not be
done).  The system I have works without any problems.  It's not a
terribly  high  performance  drive,  but it's a lot faster than a
floppy.  The cost of the system came in several  hundred  dollars
below what I would have had to pay for a retail system.  This was
in part due to the bargain I got on the drive, but  even  without
that I would have done well.
A bit of terminology first: the ST506 standard (I have also  seen
this  referred to as the "ST506/412" and "ST506/415") was created
by Seagate; these drives were used in the PC XT system.  I  don't
understand  the  hardware aspects of the standard, but that's not
really important.  The Macintosh world didn't  adopt  this  stan-
dard,  but went with the SCSI interface instead.  The SCSI inter-
face is a more general  purpose  interface  (not  just  for  hard
drives), and it supports a more intelligent operating scheme than
does ST506.  Under the SCSI scheme, devices ideally have the con-
troller  imbedded  in the actual device; thus there are many disk
drives out there which have SCSI  controllers  built  in,  rather
than  ST506  controllers.   To  hook an ST506 drive to the Mac we
need an interface board which talks to an ST506 drive on one  end
and to a SCSI port on the other.
Using a SCSI drive would seem to make more sense  than  using  an
ST506  drive, as it can be hooked directly to the Mac.  It can be
done; many people have done it.  My scheme offers two advantages:
- ST506 drives are more  available  and  cheaper  than  the  SCSI
drives.   Almost all PC types have ST506 drives in them, and as a
result there are a lot of  decent  used/surplus  drives  floating
around  (like  mine) for little money.  Even a new 40 Meg Seagate
drive of reasonable performance can be bought for under $400.
- Using the Adaptec controller board makes software configuration
trivial.  I used a version of SF&I (SCSI Formatter and Installer)
which was already taylored to the board.  I only had to enter two
drive  parameters (using ResEdit), plug in the drive, and fire it
up.  A generic SCSI drive might have had me looking up SCSI  com-
mands and possibly even writing my own driver.
- It is easy to upgrade this system to a bigger drive.  Only  the
drive  need  be  purchased;  the  software  is  reconfigured just
slightly for a new drive, and the drive in many  cases  will  fit
right into the old case.
The July issue of Byte has a good article on 40 Meg hard  drives.
It  evaluates several ST506 models, and makes the important point
that the performance statistic of the manufacturer  don't  neces-
sarily have a lot to do with the actual performance of the drive.
My drive has a 65 ms. access time, which is  pretty  terrible  by
today's  standards,  but  it  still  seems  pretty  fast  to  me.
Remember that you can pay a large factor in  price  for  a  small
factor in performance with these drives.
You can help out the performance of  any  disk  (even  a  floppy)
quite  a  bit by preventing fragmentation.  Fragmentation happens
when files are read and written when the disk is  near  capacity,
and as a result a given file ends up as blocks which are not con-
tiguous, but scattered all over the disk.  Prevent it by  keeping
your  disks  below  70% capacity, and fix it by clearing the disk
and copying the files back on.
If you're buying a used drive, you probably want to test  it  out
first.  You can plug an ST506 drive into your friend's PC (assum-
ing the PC already has a controller card for a hard drive).  Have
your  friend format the drive and either run some test utility on
it or dump a lot of files to it.
When hard drives break, they tend to do so by crashing their head
on the platter, making a nasty scraping sound.  That's too bad, I
don't think there is any way to recover anything from  a  crashed
drive.  My disk has 8 Meg of applications and system things on it
(all I will ever need), and I keep files I create (or  copies  of
them) on floppy, so I don't really need to back up anything.
So I don't really worry about reliability.  If my  drive  breaks,
I'll  get  another.   There is sense in getting a good drive, but
there may not be a lot of sense for paying a lot of money for one
which  is  supposed  to  be more reliable.  You may, though, have
your own reasons for buying a high quality drive.
There are more issues to consider when looking for a  drive  (see
the  Byte  article).   Getting  a  drive  which "parks" its heads
(moves them to a place where they will not crash) when the  power
is shut off is probably a good idea.  Mine doesn't do that.
RLL drives: a more recent method of recording data on a drive  is
called  "Run Length Limited."  The traditional standard is called
"Modified Frequency Modulation."  I don't understand  the  inter-
nals of these two methods completely.  RLL packs 50% more data on
a drive, but requires a drive with  very  high  quality  magnetic
media.   I  think that the disk interface (ST506) is actually the
same for RLL drives.  I've seen a bit of discussion  on  RLL  vs.
MFM.   Several  people  have  suggested  that RLL be avoided.  My
suggestion is to stick with MFM unless you are  really  sure  you
have  a  drive which is good enough to support RLL.  RLL will re-
quire a different model of the controller board, which costs just
a bit more.
There are several boards on the market which hook ST506 drives to
SCSI  ports.  I've heard of boards made by the following manufac-
Adaptec (4000A and 4070  models)
Scientific  Microsystems (OMTI 3100 and 3127 models)
Western Digital (WD1003A-SCS model)
The models most popular with Mac users are  the  Adaptec  boards.
The  4070  board  supports RLL encoding, and the 4000A board sup-
ports MFM encoding.  The 4000A board  used  to  be  two  separate
boards,  the  4000 and the 4010.  To my knowledge, you cannot use
the 4070 board to do the less advanced MFM encoding, so you  must
buy the right board with the right drive.
Computer Surplus Store in Milpitas CA sells the 4000A  board  for
$89  and  the  4070 for $98.  Another $8 gets you a very detailed
manual for the boards.  I bought my board from Computer  Surplus,
and  had  no trouble with the order.  They were fairly helpful on
the phone, and the board arrived within a few days.  They give  a
90 day warranty on the board.
The Adaptec board is packed full of hardware.   It  has  an  8085
processor,  a  SCSI controller chip, and even a few custom chips.
It includes removable terminators on the SCSI line.  Adaptec  do-
cumentation  claims that this board is optomized for high perfor-
mance.  I don't know to what extent the Mac  takes  advantage  of
this.   The  documentation  is  extensive, and the board has some
self-test functionality.
The Adaptec boards actually support two hard  drives!   The  SCSI
protocol  allows  several  "logical devices" to be addressable on
one SCSI address, and the board takes advantage of this  allowing
logical  device  0  and  1 to be two separate drives.  But unfor-
tunately the Mac is not completely happy to cooperate here.   Ac-
cording  to  Ephraim Vishniac (who wrote the driver software I am
using) making the second drive work would require a fair  bit  of
work on the software end.  Carl Nelson of Carl Nelson and Associ-
ates sells software which he says will work with two drives which
makes  the  Mac  think  they  are one drive.  His software can be
bought for $50.  Computer Surplus uses his software to test their
boards, but they didn't mention anything about using two drives.
Beyond the disk drive, you'll be needing a power supply,  cables,
and a case with a fan.  All of the disks I've seen require a sup-
ply which provides regulated +12 and +5 volts.  The Adaptec board
also requires these voltages, and specifies a maximum current re-
quirement of 1.5 amps for +5 volts, and 300  ma  for  +12  volts.
Add  these  figures  to your drive requirements, and you have the
minimum power requirements for your power supply.
"Switching" power supplies are small and run cool.  They are more
complicated  than  the  older generation of regulating power sup-
plies, and more difficult to repair.   They  sometimes  introduce
high  frequency  noise to their outputs (this usually doesn't af-
fect digital electronics), but they are more immune to power line
noise  and  spikes.   Often  switching supplies will not regulate
properly unless they are loaded on some or all of their outputs.
I bought a switching supply from Horizon Sales in  Framingham  MA
for $10 (a real bargain).  I built my own case and wired the sup-
ply myself.  But unless you also  take  some  sort  of  perverted
pleasure  in  doing this kind of thing, a much easier solution is
to buy a case which has been built to  mount  a  disk  drive  and
which  has  a  built-in power supply and fan.  These can be found
where PC accessories are sold (check the backs of those PC  maga-
zines).  Horizon offers such a thing for $65, but I have not seen
it.  The power connectors, if they are the standard PC type, will
mate  to the drive and to the Adaptec board.  You'll need to do a
bit of fooling around to mount the Adaptec board inside the case.
You'll need two sets of cables: one set to connect the disk drive
to Adaptec board, and one set to connect the Adaptec board to the
Mac.  You can buy ribbon cable and connectors which attach to the
cable,  and  assemble  everything yourself.  The cables should be
long enough to provide comfortable installation, but  should  not
get excessively long.
The disk drive set requires one 34 conductor  ribbon  cable  with
IDE edge connectors on each end and one 20 conductor ribbon cable
with an IDE edge connector on the drive end and an IDC socket  on
the board end (mates to a dual line of pins on the board).
The Mac SCSI connector is nonstandard; it uses a  25  pin  D-type
connector  where SCSI standards call for a 50 pin connector.  The
proper way to deal with this is to buy a Mac "SCSI System  Cable"
for an outrageous $40 or so, and to build a cable to connect that
to the Adaptec board.  (The alternative is to hand-wire your  own
equivalent  of a SCSI system cable, which unfortunately is a com-
plicated job.)  The SCSI system cable terminates  in  a  standard
SCSI  50  pin  connector,  which happens to be the same connector
used on multi-line telephone systems (you can look for  yourself,
but  please  don't  try  to plug them together).  You will need a
connector which mates to this and which connects to a 50  conduc-
tor  ribbon  cable (this may be Amphenol part 57F-50, but I'm not
sure; it might be hard to find).  The other end of the ribbon ca-
ble should be a 50 pin IDC socket.
Connecting the ribbon cable to these connectors is  ideally  done
with  a  special  tool,  but can be done adequately in a vise.  I
used a pair of pliers and was careful not to damage  the  connec-
tors.  Ribbon cable usually has a red stripe on one side; by con-
vention this is pin 1 of  the  connector  (look  for  the  little
numbers on the connectors).  You can buy a length of 50 conductor
ribbon cable and tear off the extra leads to create 34 or 20 con-
ductor cables.  If you have never put together cables before, you
might want to get a bit more advice from someone who  has.   It's
really  pretty easy, though.  With these cables, there is nothing
special (no cutting or rewriring) to worry about.
The software which is required to configure and use a hard  drive
on the mac is a program which formats the drive (checking for bad
blocks) and installs software on the drive which will  enable  it
to  be booted.  Most commercial drives come pre-formatted or with
their own formatting program.  These programs are normally  drive
specific,  but  I have heard of cases where people have been able
to use them to format other drives.
Ephraim Vishniac, however, has written a  generic  formatter  and
installer program called "SF&I."  There is a version of this pro-
gram available from  Info-Mac  (can  be  downloaded  via  ftp  to
sumex-aim.stanford.edu),    and    I    will    be   posting   to
comp.binaries.mac two more recent versions of this.  The first is
a  generic  program which with a bit of work can be configured to
many drives, and the second is a version which is specific to the
Adaptec 4000A and 4070 boards.  There is documentation with these
The command set used to  communicate  with  SCSI  devices  varies
between  devices.   This  is  what makes writing a generic driver
difficult.  Ephraim has done a good job of pulling this off.  His
generic  SF&I program must be configured using ResEdit; this con-
figuration involves specifying the SCSI  command  set  and  drive
parameters.  But to do this, you need to know a fair amount about
the workings of the drive.
This is why the Adaptec project is so appealing: because the SCSI
commands  for  the  Adaptec  board  do not depend on what kind of
drive is being used, an already taylored version of SF&I  can  be
made  available for these boards.  There is still some configura-
tion which needs to be done which involves specifying  parameters
of  the  drive.  In my case I simply needed to specify the number
of cylinders and the number of heads on the drive.
As mentioned before, Carl Nelson sells software which  does  what
SF&I does.  He claims that his software is easy to configure (you
don't need ResEdit) and that it works with two drives on one con-
troller board.
Ephraim Vishniac requires that you either donate blood to the Red
Cross  or  send him $10 upon successful use of his software.  Un-
fortunately, he cannot make the source code available, as he  has
sold the source to Jasmine.
The articles in MacTutor give source code for a driver which uses
the  Adaptec  board.   The  driver is written in Forth.  MacTutor
sells disks with source code and executable  for  articles  which
appear in their magazine.  I believe they also sell back issues.
Once you have acquired all of the parts necessary for  your  sys-
tem, getting it running is fairly straightforward.
Manufacturers of all of the involved equipment here will warn you
to  no  end about damage to equipment by static electricity.  You
can buy all kinds of equipment to help you do this, but it is  my
opinion  that  this  is overkill.  You can ground yourself safely
and cheaply by attaching a wire to yourself and to a (metal)  wa-
ter pipe.  Touching the ground circuit on equipment you are work-
ing with before touching any other part of that equipment is also
The ribbon cables need to be cut to the right length  and  assem-
bled.   There are two ways you can orient a connector on the rib-
bon cable; the right way has pin 1 of the connector  attached  to
the  first lead of the ribbon cable.  Ditto with plugging the ca-
bles into the board and drives: the edge connectors on the  drive
usually  have  pin  1 marked.  If you are attaching two drives to
the Adaptec board, one of the  cables  becomes  a  bus  for  both
drives,  and  the  other  cable must be wired separately for each
drive.  The instructions for the Adaptec board describe how to do
this.   A  single  drive  should  be  hooked to J0 on the Adaptec
board, not to J1.
Adaptec board configuration: there are a few options on the Adap-
tec  board  which  can be set by installing jumpers on the board.
Most of these are options which you probably will  not  want;  my
system  works without any jumpers.  Three jumpers are used to set
the SCSI address of the board, which is zero if  no  jumpers  are
installed.   The  Mac  SE  uses the zero address for its internal
hard drive, and all Macs use seven as their own SCSI address.  If
you  are hooking you drive to equipment where the zero address is
used, you will have to set the jumpers to another address.   Lit-
tle  plastic  jumpers  are  the right things to use for this, but
wirewrapping the pins together should also work.
Drive configuration: ST506 drives are also  addressable,  usually
set  by  jumpers.   If  you are hooking one drive to your Adaptec
board, it should be set to address zero.  If you  have  a  manual
for  your  drive you can check this, but since most PC folks only
use one drive with their controller, the drive will  probably  be
set to the zero address already.
Terminators: terminators are used on computer cables  where  sig-
nals  are being transmitted at high speed.  A terminator is typi-
cally a pair of resistors which connect between the signal  line,
ground, and a power supply (or simply a resistor between the sig-
nal line and ground).
A good real-world analogy is the following:  a  long  hallway  is
used  to  transmit messages; a person stands at some point in the
hallway and shouts to everyone else standing in the hallway.   If
the  hallway  is  infinitely  long (you may claim that this isn't
real-world, but folks at MIT have actually built  such  a  thing)
everyone  hears the message eventually, but if there are walls at
the end, the voice is hard to hear because it gets scrambled with
the  echo  of  the  voice  off of the wall.  If you don't believe
that, have someone shout to you from very far away while you  are
standing near a wall.
Putting a sound absorbing material on the  ends  of  the  hallway
solves the problem; now no sound reflects back and it sounds like
the infinite corridor situation.  That's exactly what a  termina-
tor  does:  it absorbs the electrical signal and prevents it from
reflecting back.
Without getting further sidetracked, here is the bottom line:  on
a  long  computer bus such as the SCSI bus, you want two termina-
tors, one at each end of the bus.  Don't worry about where exact-
ly  the  end  of  the  bus  is (inside the disk or outside); that
doesn't matter.  You can buy expensive little things  which  plug
into  you  SCSI  cable  and act as terminators, but that won't be
The Adaptec board has a terminator built in.  It can serve as the
termination  on one end of your SCSI bus.  If you don't want ter-
mination there (because you have other SCSI devices hooked to the
Mac and your Adaptec board is not on the end of the bus), you can
unplug the terminator from the board.
The Mac SE and, I believe, the Mac Plus, do not have  terminators
built  into their SCSI port.  The Mac SE internal hard drive DOES
have a terminator built in.  Typically your Mac will be  one  end
of  the  SCSI bus, and it ideally should have a terminator on it.
Some of the Mac SCSI system cables have  termination  built  into
them;  this  can  serve as the terminator on that end of the SCSI
bus.  But the Mac SE manual recommends that you don't worry about
it  if  you  don't have a SCSI terminator on that end of the bus,
and to just have a terminator on the other end.  Take a good look
at the Mac SE manual.
My mac is a 512e, which has been expanded to 1 Meg plus SCSI with
the  Dove MacSnap kit.  I recommend that kit by the way; it works
just fine and was straightforward to install.  The  MacSnap  SCSI
port  has  a terminator on it, a sensible decision on the part of
the Dove engineers.  The terminator can  be  removed  by  cutting
(ouch)  it  off, but I left mine on.  With the MacSnap terminator
at one end and the terminator at the Adaptec end, I have a  prop-
erly terminated SCSI bus.
Disk terminators: Since the control lines for disks are hooked up
as  a  bus  (two  disks  may share the same control lines), these
lines also require termination.  The Adaptec controller board has
one  terminator built in, and the last drive on the bus (the only
drive, for single drive systems) should also have  a  terminator.
Many  ST-506  drives  will come already terminated since they are
frequently used in single drive PCs.
The Adaptec version of SF&I is pretty straightforward.  The docu-
mentation with that program explains how to configure the program
for your particular drive.  After that is done, run the  software
and  it  will  go  ahead  and  format the drive, check it for bad
blocks, and mount the drive.  From there it works just  like  any
other disk - copy a system onto it and you can boot from it.
Bad Blocks: hard disks normally have some media defects on  them.
This  means  that certain blocks on the drive will not be able to
be used for storage.   Disks  usually  come  with  "Media  Defect
Lists"  which tell which areas on the disk are bad.  I think that
there may be a way to give a media defect list to the  SF&I  pro-
gram,  but  it  doesn't  appear to be necessary.  SF&I tests each
block on the disk by writing and reading data,  and  creates  its
own  defect  list for the disk.  Ephraim Vishniac says, "It was a
real pain to write, but it seems to be quite effective."
I have only found one problem with my Adaptec setup: the computer
will  not  mount the hard disk if the system has been powered off
and then powered on within about thirty  seconds.   This  doesn't
cause me any trouble when using the disk, but it puzzled me for a
while when I was testing it.
If the system doesn't work, the first  step  is  to  isolate  the
trouble  to a certain component.  Problems could be in the drive,
controller, cables, or power supply.  Here  are  some  tricks  to
isolate these areas:
Drive: test the drive on an IBM PC, as described above.   Format-
ting  it  on  the  IBM  will,  of course, destroy any data on the
drive.  Make sure the drive is properly configured.
Controller board: the Adaptec board has self-test  functionality.
Connecting  one jumper will cause the board to light its LED in a
certain way.  The Adaptec manual describes how to do  this.   Try
it  in  different  configurations: plugged into the disk, plugged
into the Mac, not plugged in at all.
Cables:  Assuming that the connectors are put on the  right  way,
cables  will  probably  work fine.  The connections made by these
connectors to ribbon cables are pretty reliable.  You can, howev-
er,  carefully  check  continuity and shorts with a multimeter if
you are suspicious.
The edge card connectors can make bad connections if the contacts
are  dirty.   The  gold  card  edges can be cleaned with a pencil
Power Supply:  Check the power supply  voltages  with  a  digital
voltmeter  while  everything  is  running.  The outputs should be
very close to their rated voltages.  If they are not,  the  power
supply may not be properly loaded, or it may simply not be power-
ful enough.  An oscilloscope is  also  useful  for  checking  for
variations (ripple, noise, spikes) on the power supply outputs.
I don't know of anyone who has actually hooked one of these  sys-
tems  to  a  Mac  II.   I'm  not  sure if the software would work
correctly, particularly SF&I.  I don't see any  reason  why  this
could  not be made to work, though.  The SCSI interface should be
the same for both computers.
Accessories Plus
65 Mount Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 497-0262
A+ retails a lot of little computer  gadgets,  including  a  fair
selection  of  Mac accessories.  They sold me a SCSI system cable
for $40, not exactly a bargain.  Their prices on the Dove MacSnap
upgrades  are  competitive with mail-order outfits, though.  Save
$50 and install it yourself.
Adaptec, Inc.
580 Cottonwood Drive
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 945-8600
MA sales office: (617) 686-7274
Adaptec makes the 4000A and 4070 boards discussed above.  I don't
believe  they  retail  any of their equipment.  They were not too
helpful when I called them.
Horizon Sales, Inc
P.O. Box 646
59 Fountain Street
Framingham, MA 01701
(617) 875-4433
Horizon was very helpful and  had  exceptional  prices  on  small
parts  and connectors.  They have an excellent selection of small
parts, and their prices are quite reasonable.  Their large  parts
are mostly IBM things.
Eli Heffron and Sons
Solid State Sales
139 Hampshire Street
Cambridge, MA
(617) 547-7053
Eli's is an electronic surplus  store  where  I  bought  my  disk
drive.  They have an incredible selection of some computer equip-
ment you thought you would never see again.  Their  prices  some-
times are steep, but they are fairly friendly and helpful.
Carl Nelson Associates
(206) 252-6897
Carl Nelson sells a formatter and installer program  which  works
with the Adaptec board.  The software sells for $50.
Walker Electronics
2351 Hacienda
Dallas, TX 75233
Rich Straka recommends Walker ("Tiny  outfit,  but  seems  pretty
reputable") as a supplier of Scientific Microsystems controllers,
and case/power supply boxes.
I am only offering advice from personal  experience.   I  am  not
responsible for anything which may result from following this ad-
vice.  The advice may not be correct.  I am receiving no money or
benefit from anyone for giving this advice.
To all of the netters who offered or requested information.  They
are too numerous to mention here.
-david gingold (gingold@endor.harvard.edu)
Received: by decwrl.dec.com (5.54.4/4.7.34)
	id AA13147; Mon, 11 Jul 88 01:12:45 PDT

anderson@watdcsu.waterloo.edu (G.Anderson - Computing Services) (09/29/88)

1) Is there a newer version of GIFFER program than 1.0?
2) Is there a program that will display GIF picture files on the MAC+ or SE?