(Victor O'Rear) (10/11/88)
Somewhere, on one of the many information sources I read I saw mention of a network smart appointment/meeting scheduler for the Mac. Can someone help me please. -- =============================================================================== | Victor O'Rear {hplabs!hp-sdd, cbosgd, ucsd,}!crash!victoro | | USnail: P.O. Box 3972, La Mesa, California 92044, United States of America| | mil : crash!victoro@nosc.ARPA and home: (619) 588-7423 (Sand Eigo, Ca) | | | | "Fools, Idiots! Don't they realize that they are dealing with forces | | beyond comprehension!" - "Doctor Science" | ===============================================================================
alexis@ccnysci.UUCP (Alexis Rosen) (10/12/88)
In article <> (Dr. Snuggles) writes: >Somewhere, on one of the many information sources I read I saw mention of a >network smart appointment/meeting scheduler for the Mac. Can someone help >me please. Yes, I wrote that. It is going to be published by Imagine Software, publishers of that invaluable tool Smart Alarms. Imagine Software 19 Bolinas Road Fairfax, CA 94930 (415) 453-3944 I forget what exactly they are going to call it (in fact, the name may not be finalized yet), but if you call them they'll know what you're asking about. ---- Alexis Rosen {allegra,philabs,cmcl2}!phri\ Writing from {harpo,cmcl2}!cucard!dasys1!alexis The Big Electric Cat {portal,well,sun}!hoptoad/ Public UNIX Best path: uunet!dasys1!alexis