[comp.sys.mac] Appletalk smart appointment scheduler

victoro@crash.cts.com (Victor O'Rear) (10/11/88)

Somewhere, on one of the many information sources I read I saw mention of a
network smart appointment/meeting scheduler for the Mac.  Can someone help
me please.

|  Victor O'Rear {hplabs!hp-sdd, cbosgd, ucsd, nosc.mil}!crash!victoro        |
|  USnail: P.O. Box 3972, La Mesa, California  92044, United States of America|
|  mil : crash!victoro@nosc.ARPA and home: (619) 588-7423 (Sand Eigo, Ca)     |
|                                                                             |
|  "Fools, Idiots! Don't they realize that they are dealing with forces       |
|        beyond comprehension!" - "Doctor Science"                            |

alexis@ccnysci.UUCP (Alexis Rosen) (10/12/88)

In article <3516@crash.cts.com> victoro@crash.cts.com (Dr. Snuggles) writes:
>Somewhere, on one of the many information sources I read I saw mention of a
>network smart appointment/meeting scheduler for the Mac.  Can someone help
>me please.

Yes, I wrote that. It is going to be published by Imagine Software, publishers
of that invaluable tool Smart Alarms.

Imagine Software
19 Bolinas Road
Fairfax, CA 94930
(415) 453-3944

I forget what exactly they are going to call it (in fact, the name may not be
finalized yet), but if you call them they'll know what you're asking about.

Alexis Rosen                       {allegra,philabs,cmcl2}!phri\
Writing from                                {harpo,cmcl2}!cucard!dasys1!alexis
The Big Electric Cat                  {portal,well,sun}!hoptoad/
Public UNIX                         Best path: uunet!dasys1!alexis