(Victor O'Rear) (10/15/88)
This started in alt.bbs and I thought would be of interest of some the the mac folks.... The following is a running edited transcript of a discussion in the FreeSoft Roundtable on GEnie. Tele-Mac Sysop - San Diego Mac Users Group ************ Topic 2 Thu Jul 07, 1988 MACINFO [Norm Goodger] at 02:03 EDT Sub: Host 2.0 Feature list This message will list all the new features that have been added to Red Ryder Host 2.0. It is not available yet. It will be announced here, when ready along with details on how to update when its all decided. ************ ---------- Category 2, Topic 2 Message 1 Thu Jul 07, 1988 MACINFO [Norm Goodger] at 02:32 EDT This message will be a few screens long. It should list all new features currently supported by Host 2.0 now in test. Nothing should change from this, but its possible depending on whether debugging uncovers something that creates a change..... New Features Host 2.0 Files ----- 1K - Block Xmodem File listings maintain: Date of last access Number of times the file is accessed. ---- There are new menu commands that work in conjunction with File transfers: New since last call with Download Search for File with Download List Files from New to Old with Download List files from Old to new with Download These commands append a D>ownload command to the command line to the File list as you list files. ---- There are now 10 lines of description available for every file uploaded or posted in the file sections to more adequately describe uploads. Message Base ------------ Host 2.0 Message bases now support Threading. You can follow a string of messages from beginning to end, including sub-threads that are threads of messages that are replies to replies. You can Show the original message of the thread you are in at any time its applicable to a threaded message. ---- The New Message bases now support variable length messages set by MsgEdit from 1-400 lines per section. ---- There are 4 new menu commands for searching by subject: Read with search by section Scan with Search by section Read with search all combined sections Scan with search all combined sections ---- The Security level set for the Combined Read now sets the access level required by the user to post a new message to that section. This means that even replies cannot be sent if you make it so the new user can read messages,but the access level for the section is higher than the users level. ---- The command line of the Message base, now supports a (CR) as next, and requires an explicit command "Q" hot key to exiting reading messages. (Note: The file sections also work the same way when listing files.) ---- The Userlog now remembers the highest message read, so you can on subsequent logins read messages that you have not read yet, as well as new messages since the last call. ---- Cancelling a message now asks you if you wish to abort message entry or only what you've entered so far and starts the message over at line 1. ---- You are prompted for a new subject for every message, so that the message header will be able to reflect the message contents if you wish. Entering a (CR) will leave the Subject as it was. Entering a Control-X will clear the subject line for a new subject. ---- The Message header now displays when a message has been recieved by the user it was sent to. Menus ----- The Menus now support 24 restriction flags for each menu item. These items can be set to "match" or "not to match" the users restriction flags set by the default settings in the config file for each user as they login. Also any combination of flags can be set giving virtually thousands of combinations of access in combination with the 255 levels of security access. ---- The Userlog supports the restriction flags set for each user and can be edited and maintained with UserEdit. As well as Survey commands and online Sysop editing commands. System ------ You can now choose to set in the config file the following new items for your system: You can support an upload time credit, this adds the time used to upload a file to the users time limit for that call only. For example if a user has a 30 minute time limit, and uploads a file that takes 20 minutes, he will have 20 additional minutes that call. ---- You can support a Chat time Credit, if you break in and chat with a user, or respond to a page, the user is credited for the time in the chat mode with you. ---- Time enforcement: You can now set the amount of time a user can call your system back should his time limit expire during the enforcement period. For Example, you set your system for a 12 hour time enforcement. John Doe calls at 9AM, he is alloted 30 minutes, he uses the entire 30 minutes that call, he will not be able to login again until 12 hours has expired, or 9PM. If he calls at any time during the time enforcement period, say 3PM, he will be logged off, and will not be able to call for 12 hours from 3PM now... or 3AM. If John doe had only used 15 minutes the first call at 9AM, and made a subsequent call at 3PM, he would have his time on the system reduced to 15 minutes, and if his time limit expired, he would not be able to login again until 3:15AM. ---- You can now support 19,200,9600,2400,1200,300 baud, with 300 baud lockout if you do not wish to support 300 baud users. ---- A Network Mail application can be configured for a timed launch in the config file. You set the time in hours, minutes and seconds in the config file and the path to the Netmail application, and Host will reduce any callers time limit accordingly if he calls to close to launch time and will log them off and then initiate the application pathed in the config file. ---- You can now Disable the local Echo, this closes the terminal window for Host, which is a standard movable window. With the terminal Window closed, thruput to the user is much greater and will be faster than 1.4. Downloads are not affected by this. ---- Host can now keep track of the total number of calls your system receives if you keep a file called Cumulative calls in the same folder with Host. ---- Host now supports Desk accesories ---- Status bar now reports the time and date of the last caller online ---- You can only click in the status bar to cancel a file transfer instead of anywhere as before. ---- There is a 3 minute warning to let you know that time is about to expire. ---- There is now a Newuser.msg and a Logoff.msg that are displayed accordingly, the newuser.msg will only display for a new user on his first call. The logoff.msg displays whenever a command 1 logoff command is executed. They are placed in the same folder as Host. ---- MultiFinder compatability & MultiLine: It is now possible to configure Host to share specific files and run independant BBS's, one thru the modem port and the other thru the Printer port under MulitFinder. They share the following files; Message files, Userlog, menus & files by the proper pathing in the config file. Each System will still require its own config file and main menu, Modem files and welcome files to run. Surveys ------- There are additional Survey commands that enhance the current survey commands that are in 1.4 as well as Survey commands that support voting. They are: New command 0 (zero) This command converts last input to upper case. ---- New command 19, place ascii character specified in "Text" to the scratch file ---- New Command 20, clears the scratch file and branches to a label. This is useful for surveys that display a fair amount of text before asking for input and allows the user a second chance to input should he make a mistake. without having to start the survey over. ---- New command 21, If users download to upload ratio is is less than the number in "Text", go to "branch". ---- 4 new Survey commands to set or unset restriction flags either permanently or temporarily for that user which can affect the Menu displays for the user. ---- 4 New Survey commands to initiate the text file read commands that Host supports: cancellable, no prompts. cancellable, all prompts. not cancellable, all prompts, not cancellable, Final prompt only These commands are useful for validation Surveys where you can present validation information to the user and then get his input. They can also be used to display the "Survey Scratch" file so that the user can check his input. ---- 13 new Voting survey commands that can ask the user for specific input, yes or no, or muliple choice, and then display the results of the voting so far in percentages as well as the number of people voting yes or no, or a,b, or c. depending on how you set up the voting survey. There are also commands to prevent the user from voting more than once. ---- Surveys are now time and date stamped in the RES file. ---- Survey interpreter has been speed up to make branches execute faster. ---- Sysop commands that have been enhanced are the user updating commands for time and access level have been modified to set or unset restriction flags. The Maintanence command for the file sections will now physically delete a file if told to do so. As well as delete or move the listing to another specified file section. While not every feature you could have asked for, or has been asked for is here. I think that Host 2.0 adds enough features to keep things lively on your systems for quite a while. ---------- Category 2, Topic 2 Message 23 Sat Jul 23, 1988 MACINFO [Norm Goodger] at 03:38 EDT It can be done, however there are bugs in TOPS that prevent complete functionality over the network. Surveys fail when attempting to run them from Host running on a remote mac from the remote disk over TOPS. So testing is being done in this area, however I do not think the problems with TOPs are going to be resolved before Host is released, and there is nothing that can be done in Host that will fix the bug in TOPS...Norm ---------- Category 2, Topic 2 Message 43 Fri Aug 05, 1988 DWGAME at 01:39 EDT Hi, Folks Sorry for the delay in answering, but as Norm mentioned, I was at the convention. I don't get on Genie as often as I'd I just spotted the message about two line service. I put Host up on two lines as soon as the then 1.5 beta was made available. Knowing it was coming, I had the second line installed and waiting. Here's how I do it: I run a Mac+ 2 MB Machine under Multifinder and system 6.0, with 2 hosts each running in a 500K Partition. That memory is about twice what Host requires, but I found that the extra headroom prevented some problems when accessing large file sections. I use NO RAM Cache. One BBS is on the desktop...the second in a folder. The userlog, message system, file sections, and all menus but the Main Menu are shared. Welcome messages and system messages are duplicated for continuity, with the same material. Each host needs seperate versions. Each host also has it's own logoff message. Basically, it appears to be the same BBS to callers no matter which line they call, becayse the majority of files are shared. All of this does not come without a price. Command 50/51 applications don't like Multifinder. They can't tell which Host launched them, and get lost. To get around this, you'd need seperate 'externals launch' menus for each Host, and seperate copies of the external...not as transparent as past versions. Maybe this will change as externals\ evolve with multi-line use in mind. Also, Dungeons just won't run correctly under MultiFinder...character display slows to 110 BPS no matter what speed you connect at. Eric Johnson can't solve the memory for MultiFinder. The other problem is speed. Disk access on one line freezes display on another. Searching a large file section can cause such delays that some file transfers on the other line time out. Callers have to be warned to increase their timeout settings. Occasionally, text display on one line will be jerky if disk access is heavy on the other line...but it's never really objectionable. Host does a good job at keep;ing two people from accessing the same file at the same time. I recall posting a message while logged onto one line...then looking over at the BBS Mac to see a caller on the other line immediately read it! Host even handles userlog conflicts when my FairShare utility automatically updates the userlog nightly. As it updates...callers work normally on the other line! All host notes work in the background under MF, so you can actually work on a third application as the BBS's grind away, assuming you have the memory. I recently added a third 'local' bbs node for maintenence only, so I actually have 3 hosts running...two on the locally. I've spoken with Shiva...they say NetSerial will let me hook a modem up to appletalk...and allow me to again use TOPS for remote maintenence. That comes soon. Also...when the money accellerator would clear up any speed problems...test systems ran like the proverbial Bat on my accellerated SE... Hope this clears up some questions! If away! Dave Game Check-In BBS 305 232 0393 ------------ Category 2, Topic 2 Message 63 Sun Aug 21, 1988 PETERJ [Pete Johnson] at 19:48 PDT R.HARL: The next release of Archie adds a global file section scan for new files to its command repertoire. Archie reads a script of file sections and searches each for new files. Archie does the same for alphabetical global searches of *both* filename and file description. The new version of Archie will be released as Shareware, with all former Archie commands working and somewhat refined. The new global file searches will, however, be enabled only in a version which I will send to registered users. This version of Archie works only with Host 2.0. It will be released after the release of Host 2.0. Shareware fee if $20. -- Pete Johnson ------------ Category 2, Topic 2 Message 67 Sat Sep 03, 1988 M.BIELEN [NJMUG BBS] at 19:08 EDT R.HARL Tabby is an external application written for Red Ryder Host (as well as Mansion and Mouse Exchange) which allows a Mac BBS to link up with Fidonet/Alternet, a nationwide BBS messaging system. There are echo confereces on every imaginable topic. Whether it be Sports, the Macintosh, MIDI, Music, TV/Film, or Red Ryder Host, you will find a conference available. Download the file 934 for a very complete listing. With Tabby, BBSs exchange message automatically during the middle of the night. Tabby is compatible only with RRH 2.0. Tabby should be available either with the release of Red Ryder Host 2.0, or shortly aftewards. If you want to see Tabby in action, feel free to call my BBS, The NJMUG BBS at (201) 388-1676 300/1200/2400/9600 (HST). Mike Bielen Sysop, NJMUG BBS ------------ Category 2, Topic 2 Message 75 Fri Sep 09, 1988 PECHTERNACHT at 20:11 MDT I'm finally going to put in my 2 cent's worth on the RRH vs brand X. While I havn't tried any of the other BBS software (as a SysOp) I've been subjected to the problems that NovaLink is having in getting a message base to work correctly. One of the local (Denver) RRH boards went to Nova and it is a nightmare for the user. Amungst the problems is that the "Read New" msgs. wouldn't read anything but the LAST msg., if anyone deleted a message NONE of the preceding msgs. were accessable , etc. etc. The best BBS software doesn't exist, at least not that will satisfy everyone in every situation. -- Paul -- ------------ Category 2, Topic 2 Message 76 Sat Sep 10, 1988 DWGAME at 00:39 EDT I've been reading the great WWIV-Host-Novalink debate for a while. Let me toss my hat into the fray... 1) Red Ryder Host is NOT the best, most powerful BBS software available today. Sorry, but it's true. Even 2.0 lacks features I'd like, features I need. Multitasking is slow, unlike NovaLink. Sysop features are lacking, unlike WWIV. 2) Who Cares about 1? The difference between Host and the rest is that Host is extensible. Feature lacking? Write it yourself, or get someone else to write it, and the hooks are there to seamlessly integrate it with the Host application. This is true power! 3) Creativity is an issue. I don't LIKE the look of a WWIV board...and I can't change it. Sure, it's powerful. In my opinion, it's also ugly. To be truly powerful, BBS software must be customizable. While my system doesn't much look like all others, it's logically laid out, and frankly, superior in MY view to what someone else would program. The command interface should be left up to a board's designer. Host allows that. We have two Mac systems in South Florida. One is WWIV, mine is Host. Which one is nationally known, attracts callers worldwide, and is so busy I had to add a secone line? Mine...running weak ould outdated host. The other system alienated users when it switched from Host to WWIV and many are just now adjusting. A good system depends a lot on a good sysop...who gets the most out of the software tools available. Just like a race...a good driver can win the cup...if he knows how to milk the best out of a slightly slower car... I'll shut up now... Dave -- =============================================================================== | Victor O'Rear {hplabs!hp-sdd, cbosgd, ucsd,}!crash!victoro | | USnail: P.O. Box 3972, La Mesa, California 92044, United States of America| | mil : crash!victoro@nosc.ARPA and home: (619) 588-7423 (Sand Eigo, Ca) | | | | "Fools, Idiots! Don't they realize that they are dealing with forces | | beyond comprehension!" - "Doctor Science" | ===============================================================================