I have tried Remember? for a couple of days, then I downloaded SSSwitcher. Abnormal things start happening. At start up, Remember? is called up first, but the menubar looks like Remember? File Edit View Special, instead of what it has always been: File Edit View Special Remeber? It then display a window with my appointment data in it. But, the desktop is blank -- normally the icon for the hard disk and other open windows are displayed. After I click on the close box, the system starts struggling for unknown reasons. And it takes a long time (few minutes) for it to put up the desktop (icons and other windows). I wonder why. I am using a plus with a hard disk. For those who don't know these two softwares, Rememer? is a DA and INIT that remind you of important dates and appointment at boot up; SSSwitcher (for Screen and Sound Swithcer) is an application which, if set as the startup application, will randomly switch the startup screen, startup sound, shutdown sound, disk eject sound, and other sounds, provided you have stored these sounds/screens in your system folder and in certain format. Both softwares are available at Info-mac archives. -- Kang Sun sun@yalevms