[comp.sys.mac] The Ultimate Programming Editor

tomc@mntgfx.mentor.com (Tom Carstensen) (10/20/88)

Subject: The Ultimate Programming Editor
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac,comp.sys.mac.programmer
Keywords: editor text programming

'Preditor', a programming editor, will be commercially available
(released) in January of 1989.  A DEMO of this program will be uploaded
to various bulletin boards (included here) in 1 month.

The main 'features' of Preditor are:

    * True Rectangular Editing (Copy/Cut/Paste rectangular blocks of text)
    * Collapse by selection
    * Collapse by indentation
    * Unlimited Undo/Redo
    * Supports tags (like UNIX ctags)
    * Markers (ala MPW)
    * Understands 6 programming languages (extendable)
        * Bolds reserved words
        * Understands the comment delemiters
          for each language
        * Use any combination of suffix filters (ie: .c)
          to filter files
    * Each window is splittable
    * 'Grep' like pattern searching
    * Search & Open multiple files at a time
    * Autosave
    * Supports background operations in Multifinder (searching, 
      tab conversion, etc)
    * Uses MPW info on MPW text files (marks, window position,
      and selection info)
    * Fully user configurable
    * Excellent window management w/ Multifinder
    * Plus . . checks/matches brackets, find impossible 
      characters, and all that kind of good stuff.
    - Macros capability will be available in the subsequent
      release in March 1989

This program will run on any Macintosh, execpt the Mac 128K.
More information if available upon request.

sarrel@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Marc Sarrel) (10/21/88)

Gee, sounds like they've ported GNU Emacs to the Mac... :-) (Yes, I
know there is already a GNU Emacs for the Mac, but the Mac version
doesn't compare with the version I run on the Suns at school.)
 Marc Sarrel, Department of Computer and Information Science
 The Ohio State University; 2036 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH USA 43210-1277
 "If you wanna have fun, go to Washington.  Spokane!"  -- Cleric Apton