pronk@ubc-vision.CDN (Frank Pronk) (10/25/84)
Researchers at the University of British Columbia would like a bibliographic data base in LOOKBIB format, for references in operating systems and in high-level languages. If anyone has such a data base, could they please notify me, Stella Atkins, at: { uw-beaver|utcsrgv|microsoft|alberta }!ubc-vision!atkins Thank you.
herbie@watdcsu.UUCP (Herb Chong, Computing Services) (10/26/84)
I would be interested too, if one was out there. Herb... I'm user-friendly -- I don't byte, I nybble.... UUCP: {decvax|utzoo|ihnp4|allegra|clyde}!watmath!watdcsu!herbie CSNET: herbie%watdcsu@waterloo.csnet ARPA: BITNET: herbie at watdcs,herbie at watdcsu