[comp.sys.mac] Excel Questions

) (11/02/88)

I've got a few questions on Excel:

1.  On my 2.5MB SE, I usually have about 2MB free after booting.  When I start
Excel in a 512K partition, a subsequent "About the Finder" shows "largest
block" to be about 1MB!  My question is "where did the other
512K go?"  Does Excel fragment memory on startup?

2.  I'm importing a Reflex database as text.  How can I get zip codes to retain
their leading zeroes?  Would double quotes do the trick, maybe?

3.  If I'm using a worksheet as a database (I'm trying to dump Reflex), how
can I set the search criteria to be either/or for a text field?  For example,
say I have a database of Last Name and First Name.  I want to have a criteria
that will find records that have Last Names starting with "L" or "Z".  If I use
a criteria of:

Last Name	Last Name
L		Z

no records are found, even though there are some!  How can I do this?  Or maybe
I can't.  :-(

Thanks for any help.
