riddle@emory.uucp (Larry Riddle) (11/15/88)
Has anyone tried Multidisk, the new hard disk partitioning utility from ALSoft? I was curious on how it rates as opposed to other hard disk partitioning software. Some of the claims about Multidisk (from the ALSoft ad) are * add or delete partitions at any time without having to reinitialize * no 32 megabyte limits on partition sizes * partition over non-contiguous free space * can resize partitions without having to recreate them * access partitions through a DA How well does it work? How about other partitioning software? -- Larry Riddle | riddle@mathcs.emory.edu PREFERRED Emory University | {decvax,gatech}!emory!riddle UUCP Dept of Math and CS | riddle@emory NON-DOMAIN BITNET Atlanta, GA 30322 | (404) 727-7922 AT&T