[comp.sys.mac] **What Machine?**

Jan@ucl-cs.UUCP (11/21/88)

Sorry if you have seen this before (UCL's mail system is off colour), I
thought it might provoke some useful noise.


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To: eunet.comp.acorn@bboards
cc: purchase@uk.ac.ucl.cs
Subject: What Machine??
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 88 17:07:18 +0100
From: william@uk.ac.ucl.cs

Hi.  I am currently trying to find out what real people think
of various computers, namely,
                Mac SE
My main interests are in desktop publishing, software development
in high level languages and cross-assembly, and some graphics work.
If you know anything particularly wonderful or obnoxious about any
of the above, please e-mail me with your stories.

So far, I like the Macs for their DTP and their excellent
software base which seems to cover my interests.  I am
put off by the ergonomics and their age - are they really worth
getting into now that MacII is on its way?  Will they be
properly supported?

Archimedes looks great for graphics and speed, but has anyone heard
of any serious software that is out *now*?  I don't want to
take too much of a gamble on this, and I don't want to wait
till 1990!  Amiga software doesn't look particularly impressive
either - there seems to be a lot of "games" atmosphere about it!

Thanks in advance!

                        ... Bill

Bill Witts, CS Dept.     *    Nel Mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
UCL, London, Errrp       *    mi ritrovai per una selva oscura
william@cs.ucl.ac.uk     *    che la diritta via era smarrita.

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