puglia@funvax (Paul J. Puglia) (11/23/88)
Our Engineering Department is looking for software for the Mac which will allow them to use scanned in blueprints of the buildings here on campus as backgrounds to be used in a database facility. The way they would like it to work is as follows. You bring up the blueprint of a building up on screen you then point to a room in the building and click on it. Up pops information on the room in a window or dialog box. I am looking for an application or hypercard stack, preferably an application I would imagine a stack could do a number on disk space and memory. Paul Puglia MicroVax Systems manager Fairfield University Computer Center {yale,philabs}!bunker!fairfield!{root,pugilia}
cy@dbase.UUCP (Cy Shuster) (11/29/88)
Contact Hawk Systems in Sherman Oaks, CA (818) 905-0666. They have exactly the kind of interactive blueprint software you're looking for. It supports full 8 1/2 x 11 pages, unlike Hypercard. Disclaimer: a former colleague works there. --Cy--