vuser@druxt.UUCP (11/05/84)
FOR SALE Z80 CP/M MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEM 4MHZ Z-80 SBC with 64K ram Dual RS232 Serial Ports AMD 9511 Math Processor Support 2708,2716,2732 EPROM Support, 4 Sockets (16KB Max) 1796 Floppy Controller supports 8" and 5" disk drives, single or double density, single/double sided, intermixed Dual Shugart 8" Disk Drives (466K each) Multibus Card Cage with 8 Slots All enclosed in a desk top rack cabinet with smoked Plexiglas cover White laminate computer desk is also included. Software includes CP/M 2.2 MT+ Pascal Whitesmith "C" Microsoft FORTRAN Wordstar Supercalc Microsoft BASIC Milestone Misc. games, cross assemblers for 8086, etc. PRICE: $800 or best offer Chuck Gerarden x4369 druxt!vuser