[comp.sys.mac] help me with a quick upload

AXS101@PSUVM.BITNET (Adrian Sullivan) (12/21/88)

ok, i finally got around to puttin some of my sound files on the net, well...
i had planned on it... but, well... how do i put it... the version of binhex i
have (5.0) i think is setup so that it needs the same version to convert back.
i uploaded the file (which was a binhex document, and not a text) and it
look SOOO much different that the files i have seen on here. so, if someoen
could PLEASE help me by uploading a version of binhex they know works perfectly
i would love to have it. i havn't had any problems with changing downloads to
applications, so this binhex i have will be able to convert what you send.
i guess e-mail it to me, unless others might request this. THANKS!!!
                                                 Adrian Sullivan
 :)  Dont worry, nobody else would be stupid     axs@psuarch.bitnet
     enough to agree with me.                    -vice pres PAMUG
                                                 -student op, penn state
                                                  -little mac bbs
                                                   (814) 238-4276
                                                   2400/1200 8-n-1