[comp.sys.mac] Is there a program to test RAM?

korfhage@CS.UCLA.EDU (01/10/89)

   I know this gets asked every now and then, but I don't recall seeing a
reply. Is there a program that will test the ram in a machine - something
that we can leave on overnight and that does an exhaustive exercise of
the memory in a machine? We are running Mac IIs.


   Willard Korfhage

   ARPA : korfhage@cs.ucla.edu
   UUCP : {ucbvax,randvax,trwrb!trwspp,ism780}!ucla-cs!korfhage

kehr@felix.UUCP (Shirley Kehr) (01/10/89)

In article <19399@shemp.CS.UCLA.EDU> korfhage@CS.UCLA.EDU (Willard Korfhage) writes:
<   I know this gets asked every now and then, but I don't recall seeing a
<reply. Is there a program that will test the ram in a machine - something
<that we can leave on overnight and that does an exhaustive exercise of
<the memory in a machine? We are running Mac IIs.
Computer Quick, in La Mirada, tested the memory on my Levco Monster Mac
using software from Apple. Someone asked me what had been used on my 
machine because he had searched all over for a memory test. Is there any
way you can qualify to get this from Apple?  You could call Computer Quick
to see if there is any way to get it. (213) 941-7951

Shirley Kehr