msk@afinitc.UUCP (11/13/84)
I would like to find out if anyone out there has any experience (good or bad) with INFORMIX running on IBM PC/XTs. Also does anyone know if the PC version of INFORMIX will run under DRI's new Concurrent DOS? Actually, what I am generally investigating are alternatives to DBASE2. If you have a favorite system other than DBASE2 (which includes screen handling and report writing features) I would also like to hear from you! Please mail any responses to me and I will summarize to the net. As they say; thanks in advance! -- -- From the terminal of Morris Kahn (...ihnp4!wucs!afinitc!msk) -- Affinitec, Corp., 2252 Welsch Ind. Ct., St. Louis, MO 63146 (314)569-3450