[comp.sys.mac] GateKeeper - THE TRUTH COMES OUT

chrisj@ut-emx.UUCP (Chris Johnson) (01/23/89)

GateKeeper 1.0 has been in release for twenty days now and it appears to be
time to make an announcement or two.


There are indeed bugs in GateKeeper 1.0.  They cause some people no end of 
serious problems, while other people are blissfully unaware of them and run
without any problems at all.  I suspect that most people fall into this
latter category, but there are cetainly quite a few in the former category
with problems that can't be (and aren't) ignored.

If you are having serious problems with GateKeeper, my apologies.  It would
probably be best if you stop using GateKeeper until the fixed version is 

If you are not having problems with GateKeeper, by all means continue using
it - from everything I've learned from those people who've contacted me it
will either cause you chronic and unmistakeable problems, or none at all.
I, personally, fall firmly in the category of one who has had no problems
at all.

The fixed version of GateKeeper (1.0.1) has been in testing for several days,
and I should start getting feedback from my testers soon.  I don't believe in
releasing software that is still in its testing stages (i.e. Alpha, Beta or
Development versions), so when 1.0.1 is released, it'll mean something.


As I stated above, I don't believe in releasing software that's still in its
testing stages.  GateKeeper 1.0 was a full-fledged release version.  It was
tested at two separate sites (actually, there were three, but the last one
served primarily to confirm the results of the original two).  None of the
problems that have so effectively plagued some GateKeeper users were reported
by those testers.  In addition, I ran GateKeeper on my own machine throughout
the entire development phase in the belief that if anybody was going to get bit
by bugs it ought to be me.  An extremely early internal development version 
actually did cause me some serious problems too - while I was in the process
of building a newer version of GateKeeper, it caused Lightspeed C to delete all
of the GateKeeper source files.  I was not amused - but that bug, and every
other one I encountered, were fixed.  Indeed, by the time the earliest test
version went out to the test sites, GateKeeper had been running trouble-free
for me for some time.

The long and the short of it is:  It was not for lack of trying that GateKeeper
1.0 went out with bugs.  My apologies and sympathies to those who have been


New and significantly more varied test sites have been chosen for version 1.0.1
of GateKeeper.  Specifically, I've asked everyone who has reported problems
(especially those who have reported very serious problems) to become testers.
I've also asked all those who contacted me and reported that they've had no
problems to become testers.  This way I should get feedback from both ends of
spectrum.  So far I've had very favorable responses and I believe that with 
the help of these people, GateKeeper 1.0.1 will be an admirably stable and
reliable release.

When it will be available depends entirely on what I learn from the testers,
and what (if any) features I decide to add.  In the name of timeliness, I'm
inclined to release it without additional features as soon as I get the word
from my testers - In the name of steadily reducing the size of the list of 
features to be added without creating a senseless plethora of versions, I'm
inclined to add several important new features to the upcoming release.  The
debate rages - only time will tell what I'll decide.

For those of you wondering, the version of GateKeeper that is already in test-
ing does (should?) allow privileges to be granted to INITs and cdevs.  It was
not forgetfullness that resulted in being unable to grant those items privi-
leges in version 1.0, it was a difficult implementation problem.  I've since
worked out a solution that should work in the vast majority of cases, so you
won't have to rename your INITs and cdevs for very much longer.


Two basic approaches to problem reporting have been developed by GateKeeper
users:  1)  Send the the author (me) email as I've repeatedly requested, or
2)  Post problem reports to the newsgroups without making any attempt to 
contact yours truly.  [There's actually a third:  Find out the author's phone 
number and call him early on Sunday mornings to make certain he doesn't get
any sleep after long nights of working on GateKeeper into the wee hours of 
the morning.  Fortunately, this one hasn't been used very often. :-) ]

I leave it as an exercise to the reader to guess which of those two approaches
is most likely to accomplish something. :-)

Seriously, I'm very interested in making GateKeeper as useful and reliable as
possible, but if questions, comments, bug reports and whatnot don't get to 
me, they'll never do anyone any good.  If you want to post to the newsgroups,
that's fine, but send a copy of your bug reports, etc. to me as well (and if
you find my reply useful, I'd appreciate it if you'd post a follow-up summary.)

If it sounds like this part was aimed at you - please take it in the spirit it
is intended:  nothin' more than a friendly suggestion.


Thanks to everyone who's tried GateKeeper for better or for worse.  Particular
thanks to everyone who's contacted me - whether it was with problems
or compliments (they all serve a useful purpose).  The current problems with
GateKeeper will be (have been) fixed and I hope it will go on to be a useful
tool for everyone concerned.

----Chris Johnson
----Author of GateKeeper

P.S.  If you haven't found the on-line help, click on the question mark above
the Info/Settings sliding switch.  Regrettably, this makes perfect sense to
some people, while other people never do discover it.  I'll find a more
sensible form for the button in a future release.  'Sorry for any troubles this
may have caused.