[comp.sys.mac] Virus protection

usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner) (09/25/88)

In message <6443@pyr.gatech.EDU>, Scott Hinckley (ccasths@pyr.gatech.EDU)
>How about this for Virus protection - 
>  [ Logging the date of every file change deleted ]
> Now, when you go to do your next back up you tell the backup program to only
> back up files that have changed (requires some sort of checksum and date
> modified disk from last backup?)
> When it finds a changed file it tells you what was changed and when it was
> last modified.
> You check this against your list before allowing the backup.
> Would it work?  Would it take way too much time?  Just some thoughts.

  Unfortunately, a smart virus author could preserve the modification
date.  So this wouldn't work 100% of the time.  The rest of the time
it would work, but would be too much work, I think (some programs,
like WriteNow for instance, mark files as modified even if they've
only been opened).
  Nice try though.

| Anton Rang (grad student)	   | "VMS forever!"	    |
| Michigan State University	   | rang@cpswh.cps.msu.edu |

ccasths@pyr.gatech.EDU (Scott Hinckley) (09/26/88)

In article <720@cps3xx.UUCP> usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner) writes:
>  Unfortunately, a smart virus author could preserve the modification
>date.  So this wouldn't work 100% of the time.  The rest of the time
>it would work, but would be too much work, I think (some programs,
>like WriteNow for instance, mark files as modified even if they've
>only been opened).
>  Nice try though.

I mentioned doing a checksum and a mod date check.
However, the time and trouble problem still holds.

|Scott Hinckley - OCS User Assistant    AKA - Galaxy's End              |
|Georgia Insitute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332                 |
|uucp: ...!gatech!pyr!ccasths            USnail: 345 Peachtree Pl NW    | 
|ARPA: ccasths@pyr.gatech.edu                    Atlanta, Ga.  30318    |
|                            I reply to ALL E-Mail                      |

isle@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Ken Hancock) (01/27/89)

I'm writing an article on the various viruses going around.
Seeing as I've guinea-pigged my hard disk enough times
already and have spent hours finding that this-and-that
does or doesn't work, I'd like to hear from anyone
who has voluntarily or involuntarily had experience
with viruses.  Also, I'd like to know which vaccines,
prevention tools, or remedy programs you use, which
you've found have worked, or which you've found haven't
worked.  (Vaccine, NOMAD, nVIR assassin, KillScores,
Virus Detective, Virus Rx, Interferon, Virex, etc.
i.e., any and ALL).

Please MAIL results.  Don't post.  I'll summarize and
post the article when it's done.

Thanks in advance --
hope my mailbox gets flooded.


Ken Hancock  '90                   | BITNET/UUCP/
Personal Computing Ctr Consultant  |   INTERNET:  isle@eleazar.dartmouth.edu
DISCLAIMER?  I don't get paid enough to worry about disclaimers.