[comp.sys.mac] Mac Student Discounts

root@radar.UUCP (root) (01/29/89)

>on a side note...could someone please repost the general se/30 prices
>with the student discount?

Unless I'm mistaken, the "student discount" is determined in part by
the individual institution, which is free to add any markup they choose
to the unit.  At Vanderbilt University, the student price usually works
out to about 60% of list for CPUs, and somewhat higher for

steve@violet.berkeley.edu (Steve Goldfield) (02/02/89)

In article <160@radar.UUCP> donn@radar.UUCP () writes:
#>>on a side note...could someone please repost the general se/30 prices
#>>with the student discount?
#>Unless I'm mistaken, the "student discount" is determined in part by
#>the individual institution, which is free to add any markup they choose
#>to the unit.  At Vanderbilt University, the student price usually works
#>out to about 60% of list for CPUs, and somewhat higher for

Here at Berkeley, the prices for students, faculty, and staff
(before 7% sales tax) are $2643 with floppy only (same price as
SE with 40 meg hard disk), $2945 with 40 meg hard disk, and
$3973 with 80 meg hard disk. Doesn't include keyboard. We are
allowed to buy only one (without a written request for exception)
and cannot resell for 12 months. I note that prices don't seem
to have dropped back to the pre-increase prices (when a plus, for
instance, was under $1,000). The 2MB Memory Expansion Kit sells
for $744; the university paid $425 each for mine when I got my Mac II
a little over a year ago.