[comp.sys.mac] Disk First Aid is not for emergency use only. Use it routinely.

name@Portia.Stanford.EDU (tony cooper) (02/02/89)

This subject was briefly mentioned some time ago. Disk First Aid can or should
be used for routine maintenance on your hard disks. It repairs minor damage
and what this means for most users I guess is that it reclaims disk space. On
a 40Mb hard disk my last three uses of DFA have reclaimed 21, 7, and 8781 lost

Dare I be bold enough to say that DFA should be used after every system crash?
At least in UNIX this has to be done since it is dangerous to use a corrupted
file system. Maybe the kind of corruption the Mac experiences is safe in this

Hint: Just before starting the scan of the disk in DFA do a command-s to bring
up a second window that shows what DFA is doing (this hint was in a previous