[comp.sys.mac] Mac-II's in a Unix environment

jansweij@swivax.UUCP (Wouter Jansweijer) (02/27/89)

Hello Mac-II world,

Our local sysop is a bit worried about adding Mac-II's in our network
of Sun-workstations.
If you had the choice between getting a Sun on your desktop or a Mac-II
which one of the two would yopu prefer and why?

Currently our network consists of a number of Sun-workstations in
an Ethernet-network.
Seen from a Sun the network presents itself as one integrated system.
The filesystem, e-mail, printers etc. are completely transparant no
matter on what machine you are working.
   o  How will the Mac-II present itself in such a network?

One of the disadvantages I see is that the Mac-II's will need their
own UNIX-binaries, but I think we can live with that (because we
already have Sun-3's and Sun-4's and a HP-workstation....).
   o  Can the Mac-II's operate with one copy of the UNIX-binaries
      from a file-server?
Wouter Jansweijer	Phone: (31)-20-525.2152 (.... 525.2073)
EMAIL:	jansweij@swivax.UUCP  {seismo,decvax,philabs}!mcvax!swivax!jansweij
SNAIL:	Department of Social Science Informatics, University of Amsterdam,
	Herengracht 196, NL-1016 BS Amsterdam, The Netherlands.