yahnke@vms.macc.wisc.edu (Ross Yahnke, MACC) (03/02/89)
I'm trying to solve a problem our university open micro lab is having. Our lab has a bunch of Macs and a bunch of LaserWriters. The LaserWriters have just had 'VendaCard' boxes attached to them, so that people must now insert a card (that they have 'charged up' with money) in order to print. Right now we just have 1 Mac hooked up independently to each of the LWs. We'd like to just localtalk them all together, but that would be a disaster from the VendaCard point of view, as there is no control over when to insert the right person's VendaCard at the proper time; wrong people would inevitably get other people's print jobs charged to their VendaCard. Question: Does anybody out there know of any spooling software/arrangement that allows for better control over when the print job is started so that the right VendaCard could be inserted? Thanks in advance! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Internet: yahnke@vms.macc.wisc.edu Bitnet: yahnke@wiscmacc(.bitnet) Phonenet: (608) 262-8626 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\