(Lloyd Lim) (03/15/89)
I heard that Sony Trinitron 1302 monitors were going for around $550. I called about ten places but the lowest I could find was $648. Does anyone know where to get a cheaper price? Also, could someone please tell me exactly what chips are needed to upgrade an Apple 4-bit video card to 8-bits? I believe you need 8 256K chips but what speed do you need and do they have the standard number of pins? Please reply by email. I'll sumarize if people want me to. +++ Lloyd Lim Internet: Compuserve: 72647,660 US Mail: 146 Lysle Leach Hall, U.C. Davis, Davis, CA 95616
t-jacobs@wasatch.UUCP (Tony Jacobs) (03/15/89)
NEC D41264C-15 are the need chips. I don't know about the pins. I presume they have as many pins as the sockets they go in. -- Tony Jacobs * Center for Engineering Design * U of U *