[comp.sys.mac] TeX for Mac for sale

thompson@bright.math.uoregon.edu (03/15/89)

TeXtures....an implementation of TeX for the Macintosh
            ....includes previewer and printer drivers

Includes: basic TeX disks
          _The_TeX_Book_ by Knuth
          AMSTeX (the macros for formatting to comply with AMS journal
                  requirements; these are thought by some people to
                  be generally useful) 
          _The_Joy_of_TeX_ by Spivak (a handbook for AMSTeX)

None of this has been used; in fact, the box has never been opened.

Requires: Mac Plus, SE or MacII with 1mb RAM and two floppy drives
          (but you really don't want to run this without a hard disk)

You can get all this stuff (list price is about $500.00) from
AMS (if you are a member) for $452.00, including shipping.

Or you can buy it from me for $350.00.

Contact: Marcy Thompson